This website attempts to list every Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire and Seafire aircraft built. There is no shortage of publications relating to the Spitfire, but I was constantly struck by the number of errors in respect of serial batches recorded in books and websites, a situation that persists as details are copied from one publication to the next.
Errors and omissions in official records mean that no definitive record can be produced. However, I have carried out significant original research, principally at the Public Records Office (now the National Archives), RAF Museum and Cambridge University library in order to produce as accurate a production record as possible.
I have reconciled Supermarine records to those of the Ministry of Aircraft production, and also produced reconciliations that identify the main errors contained in the principal Spitfire publications.
I hope that this website can provide a useful resource for enthusiasts, researchers and modellers. No doubt many errors persist in respect of individual aircraft histories and I welcome your feedback.
NEW Shipping analysis lists all the ships, ports, dates and cargo for all Spitfires shipped overseas. Includes aircraft flown off aircraft carriers to Malta
The Production pages detail the history of every Spitfire and Seafire built.
Production is listed in serial number order and identifies the mark, contract, factory, engine, major squadrons and units, and fate. There is a detailed analysis by mark. The data can be downloaded either as a text file, as a compressed .zip file, or browsed on-line.
The Contract section lists each of the orders and amendments against each Spitfire contract. Common errors and inconsistencies are listed in the Reconciliations section which details the errors and inconsistencies between the principal published sources of information on the Spitfire and attempts to provide a definitive resolution.
The Squadrons page shows the principal allocation of aircraft by squadron. and the Units section lists all the miscellaneous units who operated and maintained the Spitfire and Seafire.
Presentation machines
The Presentation machines page lists all the known presentation aircraft.
These were aircraft named after donors from around the world who had contributed funds to help purchase a Spitfire.