

What's New

13.01.25Accident details and error corrections
12.11.24Add accident details
19.06.23Add accident details
04.07.22Add casualty names and other corrections
03.09.21Correct ship names
15.08.21Amend Malta histories
16.01.21French accidents added
16.01.21USAAF accidents added
17.06.20Gradual update of site to be more mobile-friendly
14.06.20Add Malta shipment details
31.01.20Minor amendments and clean up code
07.01.17Minor amendments
18.01.16Norwegian histories added
30.07.15Minor amendment
10.05.13Migrated to new host
15.10.10Minor amendments throughout, thanks to those who have taken the time to contact me  particularly Geoffrey Sinclair and Hartwig Lobe
14.06.08Bob Sikkel has kindly sorted out the Mk IIa/IIb analysis so that it now agrees  to official records, which use the contract/delivery card allocation rather than  the Form 78 details, and also pointed out a couple of errors in the XVI histories:  (RK865, 866, 868 and 883)