

production list

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 list of abbreviations 

Serial Mk c/n Fac Eng History
N21Ia251EAMIIIFF 25-5-39 To France 18-7-39
K5054ProtoEAMCFF 5-3-36 AAEE 26-5-36 trls Supermarine 16-6-36 AAEE 1-7-36 install Merlin F and armament AAEE 23-2-37 f/l with engine problems Sutton Suffolk 22-3-37 riw AAEE 25-10-37 Overshot landing and tipped on nose Martlesham Heath 15-3-38 ros u/c leg collapsed on landing Martlesham Heath 23-3-38 Supermarine for repair and mods AAEE 27-7-38 RAE 7-11-38 engine tests Stalled on landing and o/t Farnborough 4-9-39 FLt GS White+
K9787Ia1EAMIIFF 14-5-38 Mkrs trls RAE 5-38 to 6-38 Martlesham Heath 18-8-38 gun install 23-9-38 pyrotechnics 8-10-38 wire trls 19-10-38 spin and dive trls 27-10-38 electric trls 6-1-39 perf trls. Vickers mods 13-4-39 RAE 26-4-39 to replace K9852 as radio trls aircraft 15-5-39 operating trls with K9788 and K9793 Martlesham Heath 15-6-39 fuel cons trls hand and diving trls with 30 types of fixed pitch props. cockpit hood trls. Super for install MIII and Rotol c-s 3-blade Jablo prop. AMDP Gloster aircraft 23-10-39 FIE shed RAE mods Cv PRIII Type C at 6MU 11-7-40 comparison trls with N3297 (proto Mk III) and fitt 7lb sliding inertia weight on elev control. PRU 1-6-41 FTR ops Le Havre-Cherbourg 30-6-41 FH363:50 P/O S Bowes+
K9788Ia2EAMIIAAEE 19-7-38 R-RH 27-7-38 two days invest MII high cool temps when ground run. Martlesham Heath 18-8-38 gun install maint and firing trls 23-9-38 pyrotechnics with 2x4in dia tubes for flares behind pilot in fus. Speed course trls RAE Martlesham Heath 15-5-39 trls with K9787 and K9793 R-R 30-6-39 MXII (RM3S) install. VA 16-12-39 repairs AAEE 21-12-40 for RM5S eng trls 1-3-41 perf and cool trls 1CRU Oxford 30-4-41 CB retired from active duty. Cv to Va 222MU 8-10-42 'Tarantia' 8-11-42 Port Sudan 29-1-43 Middle East 24-2-43 SOC 27-7-44
K9789Ia3EAMII19Sq Duxford 4-8-38 intensive service trls 4MU VA stripped for detailed exam 15-6-39 MMO rep 11-9-39 9MU 10-1-40 2FPP Overshot and tipped on nose Cosford CB 10-1-40 P/O JH Nicholson safe 65Sq 27-8-40 57OTU 28-11-40 Landed with u/c partially retracted Sealand AC 13-1-41 P/O PR Albrecht safe. Stalled on landing Sealand CB 8-4-41 Sgt R Burton safe. Westland 21-4-41 33MU 19-5-41 61OTU 10-9-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Heston AC 7-4-42 Sgt NJ Fuglesang (RNoAF) safe. ros 61OTU 19-5-42 u/c collapsed landing Rednal CB 14-6-42 Sgt KA Edden safe ros 45MU 14-12-42 2SoTT 2-3-43 to 3594M SOC 14-12-44
K9790Ia4EAMII19Sq 'WZ-N' 5-8-38 intensive service trls VA stripped for detailed exam 6-5-39 9MU 18-12-39 AMDP VA 24-1-40 two months trls with ailerons 8MU 13-6-40 [7OTU 7-7-40] 152Sq crash-landing Hawarden CE 15-7-40 SOC 22-7-40
K9791Ia5EAMIIAMDP reserve aircraft for K9787 AAEE 5-10-38 Super 18-10-38 for use as trls and mods aircraft. Cannon mock-up on wings. trls with 3-blade 2-speed DeH prop 12-38 Martlesham Heath gun firing and assoc trls. DeH trls with constant-speed prop. trls aircraft for 2x70gal overload fuel tanks under wings. fitt MXII PDU Benson 4-6-40 crashed Auranches 17-8-40 FH126 Sgt JBDT Taylor-Gill PoW
K9792Ia6EAMIIoriginally allot AMDP no requirement 19Sq 11-8-38 CFS Cranwell 30-7-38 19Sq 16-8-38 Port u/c sheared and o/t Duxford 3-11-38 F/O G Sinclair safe SOC 30-11-38 to instr. a/f Grp Assemby 2SoTT FH41:35
K9793Ia7EAMIIAMDP Martlesham Heath 9-9-38 General equip electric syst and wire trls trls DeH 3-blade metal prop. Super 7-12-38 Martlesham Heath 15-5-39 operating trls with K9787 and K9788 29-6-39 trls with various ailerons 3-7-39 magneto trls RAE 8-7-39 cont. of aileron trls with N3171 Martlesham Heath 12-7-39 short perf trls with 2-pitch metal prop RAE trls to det ignition interference with radio. trls install of snow guard on air intake 8MU 1-9-40 19Sq 1-9-40 92Sq Biggin Hill 1-9-40 Shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness 16:10hrs 11-9-40 P/O FN Hargraves+ SOC 5-10-40 FH164:50
K9794Ia8EAMII19Sq Duxford 27-9-38 Overshot hit fence on go round and u/c collapsed landing Digby CE 10-1-39 P/O R Marples safe SOC 18-4-39 FH36:35
K9795Ia9EAMII19Sq 'WZ-B' Duxford 3-10-38 64Sq 18-4-40 Shot down by AA fire Dover landed Hawkinge 13-7-40 49MU salvaged 15-7-40 49MU 15-7-40 GAL 603Sq 29-9-40 222Sq 14-10-40 e/f crashed Terling 16:30hrs P/O Edridge safe CB 15-10-40 SOC 12-1-41 58OTU 26-2-41 to 4867M 6SoTT 1-1-42
K9796Ia10EAMII19Sq 4-10-38 Undershot stalled and u/c collapsed Duxford CE 23-5-39 P/O AJA Llewellin safe SOC 29-8-39 AST for Grp Assembly 21-11-39 cancel rep 8MU 13-6-40 AMDP RAE 11-7-40 flown by ETPS pilots 7-40 to 5-41 extensive ailerons trls. Fitt special thin blade prop AAEE 7-41 gun sight trls. Martlesham Heath 39MU 16-6-42 8MU 17-12-42 41GCF 31-3-44 SOC 30-4-45 FH149:00
K9797Ia11EAMII19Sq 6-10-38 e/f while acting as target aircraft for cine gun practice f/l Acton CE 9-3-39 Sgt Unwin safe. PracticeFlt Stradishall (non-flying) 11-5-39 SOC 8-6-39 FH88:55
K9798Ia13EAMIIFF 30-7-38 19Sq 'WZ-L' 17-10-38 Belly landed Duxford 18-4-39 SOC 20-5-39 to 1494M 1AAS 6SoTT 29-6-42 FH168:30
K9799Ia14EAMII19Sq 17-10-38 Undershot and hit fence Duxford CA 13-1-39 P/O FN Brinsden safe. Ran into K9853 while taxying out CB 9-7-40 P/O Howard-Williams GAL 15-7-40 222Sq 31-8-40 CB 2-9-40 1CRU 10-9-40 1FPP Ran into drain pipe on landing Brize Norton CA 2-11-40 1/O PJ Greenside safe 58OTU 2-1-41 Collided with obstruction after landing CB 2-1-41 Air Taxis Ltd 53OTU Flaps failed overshot St.Athan AC 16-4-42 Sgt CF Sorenson (RCAF) safe 58OTU Failed to lower u/c Grangemouth CA 26-2-43 FSgt W Krupa (Pol) safe 53OTU 1TEU 26-2-44 Taxied into Hurricane HV839 Tealing 10-4-44 FSgt Schnider safe ASTE 12-8-44 SOC 18-8-44
K9800Ia16EAMII19Sq 21-10-38 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Duxford CA 13-1-39 F/O AJ Banham safe. Undershot and struck building Duxford CA 29-8-39 P/O JH Bowring safe. u/c collapsed on landing Duxford CB 7-3-40 P/O FN Brinsden safe AST 18-3-40 5OTU 14-7-40 7OTU 21-8-40 CB 16-11-40 2GAS Manby 18-3-41 to 3277M 10SoTT 26-11-41 SOC 18-7-42 CE 13-5-44
K9801Ia18EAMII19Sq 'WZ-R' 27-10-38 1CRU 28-5-40 3FPP Taxied into wire hawser Burtonwood CA 14-9-40 1/O JD Greenhalgh safe 7OTU 14-9-40 Became lost u/c collapsed in f/l Kingsley 4ml SE Frodsham CB 28-10-40 Sgt KJH Edmunds safe 58OTU 3-1-41 61OTU 14-10-41 AST CB 6-1-42 53OTU 14-7-42 Glycol leak belly landed Stormy Down AC 6-2-43 FSgt GS Wilson safe. e/f belly landed in field E of Carbridge AC 27-3-43 Sgt TE Cleary (RAAF) safe RAF College FIS e/f on t/o and tipped on nose Cranwell CB 2-8-43 Lt C Engin (Turk) safe AEAF Heston 31-12-43 53OTU 19-5-44 39MU 4-8-44 SOC 18-1-45
K9802Ia20EAMII66Sq Duxford 31-10-38 Forgot to lower u/c Duxford CE 25-4-39 P/O EW Campbell-Colquhoun safe SOC 17-5-39 FH93:35
K9803Ia29EAMII66Sq 23-11-38 616Sq 30-10-39 Heavy landing tipped on nose Leconfield CA 17-11-39 P/O DS Smith safe [19Sq 3-5-40] u/c collapsed on landing Rochford CB 30-5-40 Flt DE Gillam safe CRU 1-6-40 603Sq 13-9-40 Damaged by Bf109 nr Ashford Kent CB 18-9-40 Sgt Baile safe 45MU 23-2-41 HAL 30-3-41 1AAS 9-4-41 Tyres burst taxying Manby AC 23-10-41 Lt B Rabineau (Fr) safe AW 8-11-41 61OTU 19-3-43 57OTU 13-6-43 CB 8-1-44 53OTU 21-5-44 33MU 13-8-44 SOC 21-6-47
K9804Ia23EAMII66Sq 'RB-P' 10-11-38 616Sq 20-10-39 Hit Gauntlet K5338 taxying Leconfield CA 30-11-39 P/O WR McPherson safe. Hit wind tee after landing Leconfield CA 27-12-39 FLt RG Kellett safe. Damaged night landing Leconfield 5-40 Missing from patrol over Dunkerque 28-5-40 FH234:45 F/O RO Hellyer safe
K9805Ia25EAMII66Sq 'RB-R' 13-11-38 41Sq 27-5-39 64Sq 19-4-40 Mid air collision with P9564 AC 23-11-40 P/O DA Stanley inj 53OTU 16-7-41 Hit slipstream and struck ground Llandow AC 25-2-42 Sgt J Paton safe. 52OTU 16-7-42 Tyre burst and tipped on nose Aston Down CB 22-8-42 Sgt HW Dixon safe. SAL 1-9-42 58OTU 24-3-43 9MU 14-2-44 RNDA 17-3-44 53OTU 30-4-44 33MU 10-8-44 SOC 4-45
K9806Ia27EAMII66Sq 'L' later 'RB-A' 17-11-38 Failed to lower u/c fully Duxford CE 18-7-39 Sgt HM Parsons safe SOC 25-8-39 to 1638M 1SoTT 25-8-39 rtp 26-5-44
K9807Ia12EAMIIFF 10-10-38 19Sq 11-10-38 616Sq 7-8-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Leconfield CB 15-8-40 P/O WLB Walker safe 603Sq 29-9-40 Shot down by Bf109 Chilham CE 5-10-40 P/O HKF Matthews+ 49MU salvaged 11-10-40
K9808Ia15EAMII19Sq 22-10-38 Crashed in f/l Egmere Norfolk 28-11-38 to 1238M 2SoTT 22-1-39
K9809Ia17EAMII19Sq Duxford 25-10-38 Flew into ground from 1200ft at night 1.5ml NE Duxford CE 29-2-40 P/O HA Trenchard+ SOC 15-3-40
K9810Ia19EAMII66Sq 'RB-S' 31-10-38 RAE 17-4-39 19Sq 'WZ-R' 616Sq 15-11-39 Flew into sea in low cloud on convoy escort 12ml ESE of Hornsea CE 21-2-40 FLt AN Wilson+
K9811Ia21EAMII19Sq 5-11-38 Failed to lock u/c down fully Duxford CE 29-8-39 P/O MD Lyne safe. Became lost in fog on fishing patrol belly landed Clare Suffolk CE 24-1-40 Sgt PS Gunning safe 54MU 2-2-40 SOC 6-2-40
K9812Ia22EAMII66Sq 'RB-T' 8-11-38 e/f undershot and crashed into wood 4ml S Royston Cambs CE 16-2-39 Sgt JC White safe. to 1382M Cosford 31-3-39 FH26:55
K9813Ia24EAMII66Sq 14-11-38 41Sq 1-6-39 64Sq 11-8-39 Combat with Bf110s Dunkirk 31-5-40 FSgt GH Hatch PoW DoW
K9814Ia26EAMIIFF 6-11-38 alloc 66Sq cancel 6MU Brize Norton in special finish and flown to Paris Aero Show via Croydon 14-11-38 demo at French airfields after show 6MU 9-2-39 5OTU 28-5-40 Collided on landing with Gladiators K7951 and K7943 Aston Down CB 3-6-40 1CRU SOC 19-6-40
K9815Ia28EAMII66Sq 23-11-38 41Sq 8-3-39 19Sq 23-1-40 609Sq 13-7-40 Pilot blinded by glycol fumes crash-landed Piddlehinton Dorset 26-7-40 F/O JC Newbery inj SOC 1-8-40 FH286:15
K9816Ia30EAMII66Sq 23-11-38 Crashed on landing Duxford 1-12-38 SOC 24-1-39 scrap
K9817Ia31EAMII66Sq 29-11-38 616Sq 17-11-39 Overshot and tipped on nose Leconfield CA 31-7-40 P/O TB Murray safe PRU 20-9-40 SAL 6-10-40 58OTU 13-1-41 Ran off runway and u/c collapsed Grangemouth CB 21-3-41 Sgt JC Gilbert safe 53OTU 17-7-41 mid air collision with P9445 Southerndown Glam 5-10-41 SF Northolt u/c collapsed Northolt CB 2-6-42 58OTU 3-2-43 Swung taxying tail fell into ditch Grangemouth CB 26-2-43 P/O LC Bazalgette safe. SAL RNAS 23-5-43 759Sq Yeovilton 8-43 to 11-43 794Sq Henstridge 11-43 759Sq Yeovilton 9-44 Retd RAF charge 13-4-45
K9818Ia32EAMIIFF 29-11-38 66Sq 28-11-38 Tipped on nose taxying Duxford CA 7-7-39 Sgt HM Parsons safe 616Sq 30-10-39 Damaged ops 1-6-40 610Sq 'DW-H' 27-8-40 mid-air collison with L1037 crashed Ainmouth 30-9-40 F/O CH Bacon+
K9819Ia33EAMIIFF 29-11-38 66Sq 29-11-38 616Sq 8-11-39 Shot down nr Calais 25-8-40 Sgt PT Wareing PoW escaped [Sgt TE Westmoreland per AIR 81 -see R6966]
K9820Ia34EAMII19Sq 1-12-38 Overshot and retracted u/c to stop Duxford CE 16-1-39 P/O AI Robinson safe. to 1361M 22-3-39 1SoTT SOC 13-2-43 FH253:30
K9821Ia36EAMIIFF 2-12-38 19Sq 5-12-38 Tail hit by K9854 on landing Newmarket racecourse CB 6-10-39 F/O GE Ball safe. Unable to lower u/c Duxford CB 28-5-40 Sgt DGSR Cox safe 54MU AST CE 2-7-40 57OTU 14-11-40 Collided with K9895 nr Chester 20-7-41 Sgt RJ Kempling (RCAF)+
K9822Ia37EAMII66Sq 6-12-38 Overshot into boundary fence and o/t Duxford CB 6-1-39 P/O RA Acworth safe. to 1357M Cosford 3-5-39 FH8:35
K9823Ia38EAMII66Sq 9-12-38 Failed to lock u/c down fully Duxford CB 6-9-39 Sgt HM Parsons safe RAE 7-40 57OTU 31-10-40 43Grp 9-4-41 53OTU 17-7-41 e/f f/l SE Llandow AC 14-3-42 P/O EL Miller (USA) safe PPSM 16-4-42 RNAS 13-5-43 761Sq Henstridge 5-43 to 8-43 759Sq Yeovilton 8-43-11-43 794Sq Henstridge 11-43 761Sq Henstridge tested 28-1-44
K9824Ia39EAMIIFF 6-12-38 First with MIII 19Sq 9-12-38 Stalled on approach and tipped on nose Watton CB 26-9-39 F/O AI Robinson safe 5OTU 4-6-40 7OTU Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 11-9-40 Sgt KB Parker safe 57OTU Overshot and u/c collapsed Sealand CB 28-3-41 P/O WD Willis safe 3DelFlt e/f belly landed and hit trench Hampton Lovell CB 7-6-41 P/O S Bachurek (Czech) safe 8MU 4-9-41 CGS 15-10-41 SF St.Athan 13-6-42 Damaged taxying Atcham CA 17-6-42 61OTU 8-8-42 Retracted u/c too soon after t/o Rednal CA 15-5-43 Sgt KW Evered safe. e/f belly landed in field nr Ellesmere CB 8-6-43 Sgt OG Tidemand (RNoAF) safe 57OTU 9-11-43 Midair collision hit by N3266 lost tail caught fire and crashed Longwitton Northumberland CE 19-11-43 F/O EA Merkley (RCAF)+
K9825Ia40EAMIIFF 9-12-38 19Sq Duxford 19-12-38 609Sq 13-7-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Warmwell CB 19-7-40 P/O NLC Agazarian safe 1CRU 30-7-40 7OTU 25-9-40 u/c collapsed on landing Hawarden CB 8-10-40 Sgt LS Pilkington safe 57OTU Heavy landing Speke AC 15-4-41 Sgt AG Costello (RAAF) safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden AC 7-7-41 P/O G Taylor safe AST Cv Va M45 12-7-41 8MU 27-11-41 332Sq 'AH-Z' 31-1-42 164Sq 3-5-42 Hit by R7127 Skeabrae CA 4-6-42 Sgt AR Jackson (RNZAF) safe 602Sq 10-9-42 349Sq 7-7-43 61OTU 1-8-43 SF Northolt 13-8-43 52OTU 22-8-43 1695Flt 9-9-44 e/f f/l Dalton AC 24-1-45 ros 1695Flt SOC 4-9-45
K9826Ia41EAMII19Sq 12-12-38 Struck tractor on approach Brize Norton CA 1-6-39 P/O JB Coward safe (Mr W Phipps+) 2FTS 30-12-39 616Sq damaged night landing 5-40 222Sq 'ZD-X' 2-7-40 Shot down by Bf109 aircraft abandoned nr Barham Kent 30-8-40 P/O HPM Edridge DoI 49MU salvaged
K9827Ia42EAMII66Sq 18-12-38 616Sq 17-11-39 Hit wind tee after landing Leconfield CA 27-12-39 FLt AN Wilson safe. Shot down nr Dungeness 26-5-40 Damaged by Bf109 f/l nr Wye 26-8-40 Sgt P Copeland inj [6-8-40 per AIR 81] 49MU salvage inspection 27-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 3-9-40
K9828Ia43EAMII66Sq 18-12-38 616Sq 17-11-39 Tipped on nose taxying Leconfield CA 11-2-40 P/O AF Fenton safe [shown as K9928] Landed with u/c unlocked Catfoss CA 29-2-40 Sgt P Copeland safe [shown as K9928] Failed to fully lower u/c on landing Leconfield CA 22-5-40 P/O EF St.Aubyn safe. SAL AST 72Sq 7-10-40 58OTU 9-3-41 57OTU 17-7-41 AST riw 21-3-43 222MU 8-8-43 'Empire Rhodes'/'R.734' 14-8-43 Portugal 29-8-43
K9829Ia44EAMII66Sq 19-12-38 616Sq 15-11-39 Damaged ops 1-8-40 Sgt Ridley safe 7OTU 26-9-40 Overshot and u/c hit tractor Hawarden CB 31-10-40 P/O HS Sewell safe 37MU to 3200M 3SoTT 20-3-41
K9830Ia70EAMXIIFF 15-12-38 AMDP Super 21-1-39 AAEE 13-6-41 armour plate trls install AFDU 30-10-41 CRD RAF Hornchurch 14-3-42 trls periscopic gun sight and gun heat AFDU 27-5-42 52OTU 10-9-42 3501SU 16-2-43 52OTU glycol leak f/l and raised u/c to stop Chedworth AC 31-7-43 F/O CH Lattimer (RNZAF) safe 58OTU 5-10-43 1TEU 17-6-44 recat CE 14-8-44 SOC First MkI Cv II
K9831Ia45EAMIIFF 20-12-38 41Sq 30-12-38 Failed to lower u/c Catterick CE 30-1-39 FLt GE Wallace safe. to 1362M 1 SoTT 22-3-39 SOC 17-8-39 FH19:30
K9832Ia46EAMII41Sq 30-12-38 64Sq 9-3-40 FTR Dunkirk 29-5-40 F/O RT George+
K9833Ia47EAMIIFF 29-12-38 41Sq 3-1-39 602Sq 20-1-40 603Sq 5-7-40 602Sq 4-8-40 4FPP e/f belly landed in field 3ml E Andover CB 28-8-40 P/O IM Shirlaw safe 58OTU 2-1-41 e/f f/l in field wheels down and overshot into wall nr Dunblane Perths CE 18-4-41 Sgt G Ashurst safe. to 2574M 58OTU
K9834HS35EAMXIIFF 10-11-38 transfer to AMDP Super Contract B817241/38 for Cv High Speed Spitfire as N-17 PDU Heston 24-11-40 Cv PRIII Type C. u/c collapsed landing Benson CB 27-8-42 WgCdr SL Ring safe HAL 31-8-42 1PRU 4-9-42 CE SOC 21-8-46
K9835Ia48EAMII41Sq 3-1-39 Taxied into L1041 Catterick CA 2-12-39 F/O HP Blatchford safe. Undershot skidded and u/c collapsed Catterick CB 13-2-40 P/O W Stapleton safe MMO 26-2-40 57OTU 17-6-40 e/f f/l uphill in field and hit tree Llandrillo AC 10-2-41 Sgt A Macbeth safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Sealand AC 12-4-41 Sgt JR Ross (RAAF) safe. Belly landed Hawarden AC 8-11-41 P/O BE McPherson (RCAF) safe 58OTU CE 16-6-43 1TEU 26-2-44 SOC 22-8-44
K9836Ia49EAMIIFF 1-1-39 41Sq 5-1-39 19Sq 23-1-40 Ditched into sea following combat with Bf109 and Bf110 1-6-40 FH298:00 Sgt JA Potter rescued
K9837Ia50EAMII41Sq 11-1-39 Forgot to lower u/c Catterick CE 8-6-39 F/O PH Blatchford safe SOC 17-8-39 to 1628M 2AAS RAF Weeton 17-8-39 rtp 31-5-44
K9838Ia51EAMIIFF 6-1-39 41Sq 11-1-39 Struct fail in dive out of cloud Eryholme Yorks 16-3-39 SOC FH21:25 Sgt GV Serjeant+
K9839Ia52EAMII41Sq 11-1-39 Heavy landing tyre burst Catterick CA 30-11-39 Sgt RRT Llewellyn safe 602Sq 23-1-40 RAE 6-40 AST 25-8-40 602Sq 29-8-40 Damaged Do17 crashed nr Wrotham Kent 7-9-40 P/O Aries safe 58OTU 23-3-41 SOC 7-1-42 to 63MU as 2868M 8-1-42
K9840Ia53EAMIIFF 11-1-39 41Sq 13-1-39 64Sq 2-5-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Kenley CB 26-5-40 Sgt G Binham safe 266Sq 19-8-40 72Sq 25-8-40 Damaged in combat with Bf110s S of Dungeness 2-9-40 WgCdr RB Lees inj 152Sq 23-9-40 57OTU 24-1-41 Hit trees and crashed Cefnmingfaron 5ml S of Denbigh dbf CE 2-3-41 Sgt NR Mansell+
K9841Ia54EAMIIFF 11-1-39 66Sq 13-1-39 19Sq 29-4-39 Stalled on landing Duxford 28-9-39 P/O LA Haines inj AST 21-11-39 611Sq 6-6-40 609Sq 18-7-40 Damaged ops 12-8-40 AST 12-8-40 609Sq 18-8-40 616Sq 25-8-40 72Sq 'QJ-R' 2-9-40 Damaged by return fire from Do17 u/c collapsed in f/l Little Hutchings Farm Etchingham Sussex 10-9-40 P/O Males safe 49MU salvaged 18-9-40 SOC AST cancel 26-9-40 SOC 8-4-41
K9842Ia55EAMIIFF 12-1-39 41Sq 16-1-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Catterick CB 23-5-39 P/O C Robertson inj SOC 14-6-39 FH97:15
K9843Ia74EAMIIFF 12-1-39 41Sq 'DL-H' 4-2-39 Heavy landing tipped on nose Catterick CA 30-11-39 Sgt RRT Llewellyn safe AST 10-12-39 54Sq 'DL-N' SOC 18-7-42 to 3229M
K9844Ia56EAMIIFF 12-1-39 41Sq 16-1-39 64Sq 11-3-40 Lost control aircraft abandoned crashed nr Church Fenton 25-3-40 F/O AJO Jeffrey safe SOC 5-4-40
K9845Ia57EAMIIFF 13-1-39 41Sq 17-1-39 Belly landed Catterick 3-4-39 SOC 15-5-39 to 1479M Locking 15-6-39 FH42:25
K9846Ia58EAMIIFF 13-1-39 41Sq 22-1-39 Hit mower on landing Dishforth CA 21-6-39 P/O HEH Overall safe 616Sq 17-9-39 Hit telephone wires and caught fire in low turn Catterick CE 6-11-39 F/O HEH Overall+ (41Sq) SOC 21-11-39
K9847Ia59EAMIIFF 16-1-39 41Sq 22-1-39 Overshot and tipped on nose Catterick CA 12-1-40 P/O RW Wallens safe 64Sq 11-3-40 Tyre burst on t/o belly landed Church Fenton CB 23-4-40 FSgt EG Gilbert safe AST 4-5-40 72Sq 2-9-40 e/f f/l Halstead 8-10-40 Sgt Glew safe AST 12-10-40 57OTU 21-2-41 RAE 8-4-41 to instr. airframe 23-6-43
K9848Ia61EAMIIFF 19-1-39 41Sq 26-1-39 Tipped on nose after landing on ferry flight Brize Norton CA 27-1-39 FLt DS Macdonald safe. Struck fence in flapless landing and o/t 4ml NW Catterick CE 20-4-39 Sgt J Gillies safe SOC 17-5-39 FH23:35
K9849Ia62EAMIIFF 19-1-39 41Sq 26-1-39 Crashed on t/o Catterick 14-9-39 P/O JJH Copley+ SOC FH132:10
K9850Ia63EAMIIFF 20-1-39 41Sq 26-1-39 CB 6-2-40 266Sq 17-8-40 Damaged by strafing Bf109s Manston 18-8-40 Sgt DE Kingaby inj 49MU salvaged 58OTU 29-12-40 Hit pole on boundary and u/c collapsed landing Grangemouth CB 24-2-41 Sgt AC Jacka safe 4FPP u/c failed landed on stb wheel Prestwick 17-7-41 1/O IH Stewart safe 53OTU 17-7-41 Collided with K9862 and crashed Flemington Court Farm Glam CE 28-3-43 F/O JH Fenton+
K9851Ia64EAMIIFF 20-1-39 19Sq 27-1-39 RAE 3-39 AST 30-4-40 7OTU 13-7-40 19Sq 3-9-40 7OTU 10-9-40 Stalled on approach and u/c torn off Speke CB 10-12-40 Sgt TJ Thomas safe 10SoTT 1-8-41 CE 23-9-44 FH401:25
K9852Ia65EAMIIFF 24-1-39 AMDP RAE 31-1-39 radio trls and pilot training Super 25-4-39 R/T instn and trls. ETPS Farnborough 26-6-40 VHF aerial trls for R3002 10-40 snow guard and eng trls 610Sq 15-10-40 Undershot into dispersal pen Usworth CB 25-10-40 Sgt EW Cranwell safe AST 31-10-40 53OTU 6-5-41 crashed nr Tangmere 7-6-41 Sgt CB Barton (RNZAF)+
K9853Ia66EAMIIFF 26-1-39 19Sq 31-1-39 RAE 2-39 hand trls 19Sq Hit by K9799 while taxying out for scramble Duxford 9-7-40 FLt Lane? GAL 15-7-40 SOC 15-1-41
K9854Ia71EAMIIFF 26-1-39 alloc 66Sq transfer RAE 3-39 trls 19Sq 4-5-39 Struck bump landing and hit tail of K9821 Newmarket CB 6-10-39 F/O WG Clouston safe SOC 14-10-39 rtp
K9855Ia68EAMIIFF 26-1-39 41Sq 4-2-39 Overshot into boundary hedge and tipped on nose Catterick CB 30-3-39 P/O PRW Wickham safe. to 1646M 1AAS Manby 4-11-39 SOC 6-11-39
K9856Ia69EAMIIFF 28-1-39 41Sq 15-2-39 Fire in flight crash-landed Catterick 27-4-39 SOC 9-5-39 FH20:50
K9857Ia73EAMIIFF 1-2-39 19Sq 11-5-39 Failed to lower u/c Duxford CE 20-5-39 Sgt JA Potter safe 7OTU 7-7-40 Struck bump landing and u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 5-9-40 P/O AH Humphreys safe 57OTU 19-12-40 Hit ditch landing and wheel torn off Speke AC 16-4-41 Sgt JN Hanigan (RAAF) safe. Undershot and u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 25-7-41 Sgt J Durkin (RCAF) safe 1CRU 1-8-41 8OTU 24-5-42 Overshot and tipped on nose Perth AC 11-6-42 Sgt GS Cowley safe. e/f fire in flight abandoned into sea off Fraserburgh 11-11-42 P/O JN Dixon (RAAF) rescued by trawler
K9858Ia75EAMIIFF 4-2-39 19Sq 24-4-39 Took off in coarse pitch and hit hedge Horsham St.Faith CA 31-3-40 F/O DRS Bader safe SOC 9-4-40
K9859Ia76EAMIIFF 3-2-39 19Sq 24-4-39 Struck fence on approach Duxford 9-5-39 to 1825M
K9860Ia78EAMIIFF 6-2-39 74Sq 14-2-39 Heavy landing tipped on nose Southend CE 9-11-39 P/O GD Cobden safe SOC 18-1-40 FH74:20
K9861Ia79EAMIIFF 7-2-39 74Sq 13-2-39 Stalled at 1500ft and dived into ground Grays Thurrock Essex CE 30-8-39 Sgt CD Gower+
K9862Ia80EAMIIFF 9-2-39 74Sq 13-2-39 Landed with u/c not fully down Hornchurch CA 14-2-39 F/O WPF Treacy safe 1CRU 20-5-40 64Sq 19-8-40 57OTU 3-2-41 Stalled on landing and u/c collapsed Sealand CB 27-2-41 Sgt D Noon safe AST 5-3-41 57OTU 24-7-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden AC 29-7-41 P/O MVD Devereux safe. Tyre burst on t/o and overturned Wrexham CB 5-11-41 Sgt DW Gray safe. Unable to lower stb u/c leg Hawarden AC 4-8-42 Sgt E Twigg safe 53OTU 22-8-42 Air collision with K9850 crashed Pontravel Farm Glam 28-3-43 P/O GW Berry+
K9863Ia81EAMIIFF 9-2-39 74Sq 13-2-39 Hit by K9953 Southend CB 3-12-39 Crashed Manston 10-7-40 P/O Freeborn safe 49MU salvaged 57OTU 8-5-41 air collision with X4164 crashed nr Sealand 26-1-42 2Lt LFS Ricard (Fr)+ [aka Ricard-Cordingley]
K9864Ia82EAMIIFF 10-2-39 74Sq 15-2-39 Heavy landing Southend CB 6-12-39 Sgt AE Mould safe 266Sq 29-12-39 Shot down belly landed nr Faversham Kent CE 16-8-40 P/O JF Soden inj 49MU salvaged 57OTU air collision with R6769 crashed River Dee nr Flint Scotland 8-5-42
K9865Ia83EAMIIFF 11-2-39 74Sq 16-2-39 Collided with K9951 on ground Rochford 23-4-40 AST 13-5-40 7OTU 21-7-40 57OTU 1-11-40 Belly landed Hawarden CA 8-11-40 Sgt RH Sergeant safe. Landed with u/c unlocked Hawarden AC 5-5-42 F/O BVB Stefan safe SOC 7-5-42
K9866Ia84EAMIIFF 13-2-39 74Sq 14-2-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hornchurch CE 3-3-39 FSgt E Mayne safe. to 1428M 6SoTT 14-4-39 53OTU SOC 26-8-44 FH136:30
K9867Ia85EAMIIFF 14-2-39 74Sq 18-2-39 AMDP 11-1-40 Missing from patrol over Calais 23-5-40 F/O VGLD Byrne PoW
K9868Ia86EAMIIFF 15-2-39 74Sq 15-2-39 f/l in bad weather tyre burst and o/t nr Cherbourg CE 21-11-39 F/O DS Thom (RCAF) safe 21AD 5-12-39 SOC 9-2-40
K9869Ia87EAMIIFF 15-2-39 74Sq 20-2-39 Flew into ground on landing and broke u/c Rochford CB 5-5-40 Sgt WM Skinner safe AST 14-5-40 3FPP e/f on takeoff del flt to 6MU into sea off Hamble CE 13-7-40 49MU salvaged Netley 16-7-40
K9870Ia88EAMIIFF 16-2-39 74Sq 17-2-39 Taxied into tractor after landing Hornchurch CB 8-8-40 F/O F Gruszka safe (65Sq) GAL 13-8-40 72Sq 7-10-40 Shot down by Bf109 nr Deal aircraft abandoned 11-10-40 P/O PD Poole inj
K9871Ia89EAMIIFF 16-2-39 74Sq 'JH-O' later 'ZP-O' 21-2-39 Became lost overshot f/l and tipped on nose CB 13-8-40 F/O Szczesny (Pol) safe 49MU salvaged 57OTU 19-12-40 Stalled on landing u/c collapsed Sealand AC 25-3-41 P/O KW Truscott safe MMO 30-4-41 Cv Va M45 3-6-41 1FPP Wheel sank in hole on ferry flight Cowley-Kirkbride 3-6-41 F/O FG Pattrick safe 53OTU 15-7-41 Stalled and crashed landing Llandow AC 18-8-41 Sgt GK Palin (RCAF) safe AST 24-8-41 303Sq 5-12-41 81Sq 12-2-42 Shorts 18-10-42 51OTU 27-5-43 53OTU 61OTU hit railway and crashed on takeoff Ouston [Rednal?] CE 21-12-43 P/O Dowbor Musnicki inj SOC 1-1-44 recat 6-1-44 39MU 1-5-44 SOC 15-10-45
K9872Ia90EAMIIFF 19-2-39 74Sq 23-2-39 Taxied into by K9875 while stationary Hornchurch 7-3-39 Forgot to lower u/c Hornchurch CE P/O JC Freeborn safe. SOC to 1450M 24-4-39 RAF St.Athan FH7:55
K9873Ia91EAMIIFF 21-2-39 74Sq 23-2-39 Overshot into ploughed ground and tipped on nose CA 3-11-39 P/O RD Aubert safe AST 12-11-39 7OTU 22-9-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 5-10-40 P/O PWE Heppell safe AST 10-10-40 58OTU 4-2-41 Overshot and tipped on nose Grangemouth CA 11-4-41 Sgt AW Raybould safe. u/c collapsed on landing Grangemouth CA 11-6-41 P/O A Williams (RCAF) safe 45MU 17-7-41 SAL riw 6-8-41 45MU 15-10-41 53OTU ros 27-12-41 53OTU 3-1-42 e/f on landing stalled onto port wingtip Llandow AC 23-12-41 Sgt JA Dow (RCAF) safe. Heavy landing o/t Llandow CB 20-4-42 Sgt WH McAbee (RCAF) inj 76MU 1-10-42 'Tarantia' 8-11-42 Port Sudan 29-1-43 Middle East 28-2-43 73OTU Prop hit sand dune during ground strafe CA 19-7-43 Lt MacWilliam safe. Caught fire in air crashed 10mls E Bilbeis Egypt CE 13-1-44
K9874Ia92EAMIIFF 21-2-39 74Sq 27-2-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Rochford CB 22-4-40 Sgt FW Eley safe AST 7-5-40 7OTU 17-8-40 19Sq 3-9-40 7OTU 10-9-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Hawarden CA 4-10-40 P/O FGH Fawkes safe. Overshot into gunpost Hawarden CB 24-10-40 P/O KBG Impey safe GAL 29-10-40 instructional airframe at 57OTU 21-2-41 SOC 23-6-43
K9875Ia93EAMIIFF 22-2-39 74Sq 27-2-39 Taxied into stationary K9872 Hornchurch CA 7-3-39 F/O WPF Treacy safe. Overshot into fence and tipped on nose Hornchurch CA 17-11-39 P/O DOM Browne safe. FTR Dunkirk 27-5-40 FLt WPF Treacy PoW escaped
K9876Ia94EAMIIFF 23-2-39 74Sq 1-3-39 Heavy landing port u/c collapsed Hornchurch CA 21-4-39 P/O DS Hoare safe AST 18-10-39 5OTU 4-6-40 7OTU 13-8-40 Landed with u/c unlocked Hawarden CB 14-8-40 P/O R Thomas safe 610Sq 15-10-40 602Sq 14-12-40 57OTU 4-2-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Speke CB 1-5-41 P/O C Hall safe GAL 12-5-41 PPSM new eng Cv VI 27-4-42 AAEE 7-42 diving trls 45SLG 24-8-42 76MU 3-10-42 'Tarantia' 8-11-42 Port Sudan 29-1-43 Middle East 31-3-43 e/f due glycol leak f/l and u/c collapsed LG.206 Abu Sueir CB 6-12-43 2Lt M Duchen (SAAF) safe. to 4384M
K9877Ia95EAMIIFF 24-2-39 54Sq 1-3-39 152Sq 18-2-40 Undershot fell heavily and o/t Acklington CE 16-3-40 P/O J Falkson safe [18th?] SOC 11-4-40
K9878Ia96EAMIIFF 24-2-39 74Sq 1-3-39 222Sq 4-9-40 AST 26-11-40 58OTU 14-3-41 Lost formation belly landed 3ml NW Ponteland nr Newcastle AC 23-3-41 Sgt WM Menzies safe CGS 4-7-41 Swung on landing and tipped on nose Chelveston AC 18-3-42 GpCapt DL Thompson safe 61OTU 15-5-43 RNAS 25-5-43 759Sq Yeovilton to Gosport 25-8-43 (for RNARY Fleetlands?) Tested 759Sq Yeovilton 7-3-44 45MU 3-10-44 SOC 30-12-44
K9879Ia97EAMIIFF 1-3-39 74Sq 4-3-39 MMO 11-9-39 PRU Benson 11-7-40 crashed after oxygen starvation dived into ground nr Crewkerne Somerset CE 1-8-40 LtCmdr GB Kingdon+
K9880Ia98EAMIIFF 27-2-39 54Sq 2-3-39 152Sq 2-1-40 Shot down by Bf109 off Swanage 20-7-40 P/O FH Posener+
K9881Ia99EAMIIFF 28-2-39 54Sq 2-3-39 Belly landed at Base 5-39 152Sq 4-1-40 Damaged ops 16-2-40 602Sq 24-3-40 Damaged by return fire from Ju87s nr Tangmere 16-8-40 49MU salvaged Westhampnett AST 4-9-40 4SoTT 15-3-41 SOC 18-7-42 to 3215M [RNDA 25-5]
K9882Ia100EAMIIFF 2-3-39 54Sq 17-3-39 152Sq 2-1-40 Shot down by Bf109 off IoW 26-9-40 Sgt JB Christie+
K9883Ia144EAMIIFF 2-3-39 54Sq 'DL-T' 24-4-39 152Sq 3-1-40 Tyre burst on landing swung and u/c collapsed Warmwell CB 20-7-40 P/O GJ Cox safe 1CRU 58OTU 28-3-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Grangemouth CA 1-4-43 FSgt JM Macmahon (RCAF) safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Grangemouth AC 4-6-43 Sgt R Olender (Pol) safe 1TEU 1-3-44 RN Millmeece as GI 4727M for WRNS Air Mechanic training
K9884Ia101EAMIIFF 3-3-39 54Sq 10-3-39 152Sq 3-1-40 Overshot into brick pen Acklington CE 19-6-40 P/O JSB Jones safe SOC 24-6-40
K9885Ia102EAMIIFF 8-3-39 54Sq 13-3-39 152Sq 16-1-40 e/f ran through tree and hedge in attempted f/l 8mls E Nottingham CB 16-1-40 P/O TW Beaumont safe SOC 1-5-40
K9886Ia103EAMIIFF 5-3-39 54Sq 8-3-39 Crashed circling beacon at night nr Basildon 8-11-39 Sgt EJ Cole+ SOC 14-12-39
K9887Ia104EAMIIFF 7-3-39 54Sq 10-3-39 AST 9-11-39 bboc 9MU 26-3-40 5OTU 4-6-40 crashed Aston Down 28-6-40 P/O PF Mayhew safe. Westland 7-7-40 58OTU 12-3-41 Taxied into lorry Grangemouth CA 27-5-41 Sgt BD Murchie safe SAL 14-6-41 52OTU 1-11-41 Tyre burst on landing tipped on nose Aston Down CB Sgt J Tilston safe 57OTU 25-8-42 58OTU Heavy landing tyre burst swung and tipped on nose Grangemouth CA 24-2-43 F/O JH Corre safe. SAL 10-11-43 53OTU 9-5-44 TEU 14-6-44 16FPP Belly landed East Fortune CA 10-8-44 S/O AJ Williams safe SOC 21-6-47 rtp
K9888Ia60EAMIIFF 19-1-39 66Sq 30-1-39 41Sq 4-5-39 Wingtip hit high ground in storm and flew into hill Appleby Cumberland CE18-7-39 Sgt K Mitchell+
K9889Ia77EAMIIFF 4-2-39 6MU 9-2-39 5OTU 28-5-40 7OTU 10-9-40 SAL 27-9-40 57OTU Heavy landing port u/c collapsed Hawarden AC 15-5-41 Sgt J Donald (RAAF) safe AST 23-5-41 57OTU 5-8-41 61OTU 27-11-43
K9890Ia67EAMIIFF 28-1-39 41Sq 4-2-39 Hit bump landing and flare ignited 24-11-39 P/O JN Mackenzie (RNZAF) safe 249Sq 4-6-40 602Sq 13-7-40 41Sq 21-7-40 603Sq 20-9-40 e/f during practice Hornchurch CB 23-9-40 P/O JF Soden safe AST 57OTU 27-12-40 out of fuel landed nr Hooton Park in River Mersey 1-2-41 Sgt BR Terry safe
K9891Ia72EAMIIFF 31-1-39 6MU 7-2-39 66Sq 24-4-39 Tipped on nose after landing Horsham St.Faith CB 28-10-39 P/O RW Oxspring safe ASTH 20-11-39 5OTU 4-6-40 crashed Aston Down 19-6-40 P/O JW Lund safe. Westland 58OTU 2-2-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Grangemouth CB 6-3-41 Sgt LM Scott (RNZAF) safe. SAL 11-3-41 53OTU 9-12-41 Taxied into parked Dominie X7346 Llandow 27-3-42 Sgt E Artus safe. Took off in coarse pitch and hit P7840 on takeoff Llandow CE 1-4-42 Sgt E Artus inj SOC 13-4-42
K9892Ia105EAMIIFF 8-3-39 54Sq 13-3-39 602Sq 29-11-39 Tipped on nose after landing CA Drem 29-11-39 FLt JD Urie safe. Landing accident Drem 2-8-40 P/O Moody safe 610Sq 15-10-40 Swung on landing and u/c collapsed Acklington CA 12-11-40 Sgt JEW Ballard safe 602Sq 14-12-40 57OTU 4-2-41 Stalled on landing u/c collapsed Sealand AC 25-3-41 Sgt Boyle (RCAF) safe. Became lost descended through cloud with X4167 hit hill Ruabon nr Wrexham dbf CE 3-7-41 P/O Baron RJMGG Del Marmol (Belg)+ SOC 15-7-41
K9893Ia106EAMIIFF 7-3-39 54Sq 13-3-39 152Sq 16-1-40 e/f in snowstorm went through hedge into haystack Boughton CE 16-1-40 Sgt JK Barker safe SOC 3-2-40
K9894Ia107EAMIIFF 9-3-39 54Sq 13-3-39 152Sq 2-1-40 GAL 58OTU 1-1-41 u/c collapsed landing Sealand 12-5-41 ros 57OTU CGS 9-7-41 DeH 18-8-42 57OTU 13-6-43 Hit tree low flying Eshott CA 20-11-43 Sgt WM Cooke safe. RAF Medical Rehabilitation Loughborough 26-4-44 to 4868M SOC 29-8-46
K9895Ia108EAMIIFF 10-3-39 CFS 15-3-39 Mainplanes wrinkled in dive tests Upavon CA 2-12-39 SqLdr GH Stainforth safe AST 18-12-39 64Sq 'SH-B' 14-8-40 57OTU 3-2-41 Landed with u/c unlocked Sealand AC 12-5-41 Sgt AJ Young safe. Mid air collision with K9821 hit hill in cloud Ruabon nr Wrexham 20-7-41 Sgt IRA Beaton (RCAF)+ SOC 6-8-41
K9896Ia169EAMIIFF 10-3-39 54Sq 'DL-K' 15-3-39 RAE 3-39 152Sq 3-1-40 Undershot landing Catterick CE 6-6-40 P/O BE Bell (RNZAF) DoI SOC 16-6-40
K9897Ia110EAMIIFF 13-3-39 54Sq 15-3-39 Undershot and hit army hut Hornchurch CE 4-7-39 Sgt J Davis safe SOC 15-8-39 rtp
K9898Ia109EAMIIFF 14-3-39 54Sq 17-3-39 152Sq 4-1-40 [e/f ditched in North Sea 29-2-40][per AIR 81] Collided with K9902 nr Acklington 20-4-40 P/O RE Atkinson inj SOC 2-5-40
K9899Ia111EAMIIFF 13-3-39 54Sq 17-3-39 152Sq 15-2-40 602Sq 24-3-40 Overshot landing into hedge 23-7-40 P/O HW Moody safe 57OTU 7-11-40 AST 24-5-41 53OTU 24-8-41 Overshot landing Llandow CB 15-10-41 P/O ME Jowsey (RCAF) safe SOC 18-10-41
K9900Ia112EAMIIFF 15-3-39 54Sq 21-3-39 SOC 12-12-39 bboc 152Sq 2-1-40 57OTU 1-2-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Speke AC 27-3-41 Sgt EW Shadbolt safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 22-5-41 Sgt JG Merrett (RAAF) safe. Overshot and ran into concrete slab Hawarden AC 14-6-41 Sgt EW Whitney safe AST 21-6-41 53OTU 3-9-41 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Llandow AC 5-12-41 P/O DE Bruce (RCAF) safe RN Yeovilton 7-9-42 761Sq Henstridge 11-42 to 1-43 759Sq Yeovilton 2-43 Retracted u/c too quickly on takeoff sank damaged tail and prop Cat X 11-2-43 Lt AC Wallace. e/f on approach heavy landing Cat Y 28-10-43 (SLdr ED Pye) To 45MU SOC 30-12-44
K9901Ia113EAMIIFF 16-3-39 54Sq 'DL-D' 20-3-39 152Sq 16-1-40 Hit by return fire from Ju87 and abandoned 5ml S of Portland 25-7-40 F/O EC Deanesly inj 1CRU 28-7-40 FH262:30
K9902Ia114EAMIIFF 17-3-39 54Sq 22-3-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Rochford CA 23-1-40 Sgt JK Norwell safe 152Sq 1-3-40 Damaged in f/l after collision with K9898 nr Acklington 20-4-40 P/O RF Inness inj SOC 20-5-40
K9903Ia115EAMIIFF 17-3-39 65Sq 21-3-39 Crashed Manston 28-5-40 49MU salvaged 64Sq 3-9-40 Crashed on patrol nr Ternhill 6-9-40 Sgt HD Charnock safe SOC 7-10-40
K9904Ia116EAMIIFF 19-3-39 65Sq 22-3-39 Undershot and hit obstruction Turnhouse CB 23-9-40 Sgt MH Hine safe 53OTU 21-7-41 Heavy landing tyre burst and u/c collapsed Llandow CA 5-8-41 P/O DH Evans (RCAF) safe. Belly landed while lost Cwmffrwd Carmarthen AC 3-9-41 Sgt D St.John (RNZAF) safe SOC 9-9-41
K9905Ia117EAMIIFF 19-3-39 65Sq 24-3-39 RAE 11-39 65Sq Burst tyre on landing wing struck ground and tipped on nose Hornchurch 4-4-40 P/O RG Wigg safe. Shot down by Bf109 hit tree in f/l and caught fire Manston dbf 8-8-40 FSgt NT Phillips+ 49MU salvaged Manston Village 9-8-40 SOC 14-8-40
K9906Ia118EAMIIFF 21-3-39 65Sq 'FZ-L' later 'YT-T' 24-3-39 64Sq 17-4-40 Failed to fully lower u/c on landing Kenley CB 23-5-40 F/O HJ Woodward safe 49MU salvaged 7OTU 11-10-40 57OTU e/f stalled and u/c collapsed Hawarden AC 8-10-41 Sgt RG Riddel (RAAF) safe ASTH 18-10-41 Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU Benson 26-2-42 Wheel stuck in mud and tipped on nose Detling CA 18-5-42 P/O MG Brown (RCAF) safe 8OTU 19-6-42 Hit bowser taxying Fraserburgh CA 25-6-42 Sgt RM Snowdon safe SAL 29-11-42 RNDA 22-5-43 759Sq Yeovilton 7-43 to 9-43 u/c collapsed landing Cat Y 16-8-43 SLdr PD Gardner
K9907Ia119EAMIIFF 23-3-39 65Sq 'YT-D' Missing believed shot down by Bf109 nr Dover 8-7-40 SqLdr D Cooke+
K9908Ia120EAMIIFF 21-3-39 65Sq 24-3-39 AMDP R-RH 16-1-40 FA 29-5-40 AST 2-6-40 610Sq 27-8-40 Crashed Hawkinge 9-40 49MU salvaged 11-9-40 HAL 11-9-40 7OTU 13-10-40 u/c collapse during maint AC 12-40 57OTU AC 12-1-41 e/f belly landed nr Rhuddlan CB 16-5-41 P/O DMcD Steven safe SOC 1-6-41
K9909Ia121EAMIIFF 22-3-39 65Sq 'FZ-O' 25-3-39 Undershot and struck fence Northolt CA 11-12-39 F/O JH Welford safe. Shot down by Bf109 nr Dover 22-8-40 Sgt M Keymer+ SOC 8-10-40
K9910Ia122EAMIIFF 23-3-39 65Sq 28-3-39 e/f undershot hit civilian lorry and bent u/c leg Hornchurch CB 8-5-39 Sgt PS Hayes safe 602Sq 6-3-40 e/f on t/o and hit wind indicator mast Drem CA 28-3-40 F/O GV Proudman safe. Overshot and tipped on nose Drem CA 7-7-40 Sgt DW Elcome safe. Damaged by return fire from Do17s and crashlanded Crocker Hill Boxgrove Sussex 9-9-40 P/O PC Webb inj 49MU salvaged Tangmere 13-9-40
K9911Ia123EAMIIFF 24-3-39 65Sq 'YT-E' 28-3-39 Taxied into petrol tanker Tangmere CA 27-3-40 F/O JH Welford safe. Shot down by Bf109 Dover dbf 8-8-40 Sgt DI Kirton+ 49MU salvaged between Ramsgate and Sandwich 9-8-40
K9912Ia130EAMIIFF 25-3-39 test bed for MIII and DeH 3-blade 2-speed prop 65Sq 'YT-O' 4-4-39 e/f struck boundary post landing Hornchurch CA 28-4-39 Sgt PF Morfill safe. Damaged by Bf109 and crashlanded on beach Dunkerque 26-5-40 P/O KG Hart inj SOC 14-8-40
K9913Ia124EAMIIFF 25-3-39 65Sq 'FZ-L' 26-3-39 Raised u/c before fully airborne Hornchurch CE 27-7-39 P/O JBH Nicholas safe. to 1632M 5SoTT 12-8-39 SOC 15-3-44
K9914Ia125EAMIIFF 26-3-39 65Sq 1-4-39 Heavy landing tyre burst Northolt CA 27-12-39 SqLdr GC Pinkerton safe AST 9-1-40 66Sq 4-6-40 eng fire crash-landed Coltishall 8-7-40 P/O Bodie safe SOC 21-8-40
K9915Ia126EAMIIFF 27-3-39 65Sq 30-3-39 AST 24-5-40 65Sq 30-5-40 Presumed shot down by Bf109s on patrol off Deal 16-8-40 P/O LL Pyman+
K9916Ia127EAMIIFF 28-3-39 65Sq 1-4-39 603Sq u/c collapsed after landing Turnhouse CB 10-12-39 P/O BJG Carbury safe FTR on patrol 17-7-40 F/O CD Peel+
K9917Ia128EAMIIFF 29-3-39 65Sq 1-4-39 Hit tree attempting f/l Aldermaston Berks CE 5-12-39 P/O JBH Nicholas inj SOC 3-1-40
K9918Ia129EAMIIFF 30-3-39 65Sq 1-4-39 4MU 31-5-40 611Sq 4-6-40 4MU 6-6-40 7OTU 21-8-40 Failed to ensure u/c locked on landing Hawarden CB 31-8-40 F/O TE Hubbard safe 34Sq 3-9-40 1CRU 7-9-40 CB 24MU 14-11-40 53OTU 8-4-41 61OTU 11-7-41 to 2768M SOC 30-9-41
K9919Ia131EAMIIFF 31-3-39 65Sq 4-4-39 Stalled on night approach and hit ground Hornchurch CB 9-8-39 F/O JH Welford safe 4MU 4-12-39 SOC rtp
K9920Ia132EAMIIFF 1-4-39 65Sq 12-4-39 e/f belly landed North Foreland CE 22-5-40 P/O KG Hart safe 49MU salvaged Kingsgate 22-5-40 SOC 27-5-40
K9921Ia133EAMIIFF 2-4-39 65Sq 12-4-39 e/f struck notice board on boundary Hornchurch CA 15-5-39 FSgt NT Phillips safe 54MU 31-5-40 7OTU 16-8-40 Crashed Biggin Hill 9-40 49MU salvaged 10-9-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden CA 25-9-40 P/O PA Baillon safe FA 28-12-40 to 2457M SOC 18-1-41
K9922Ia134EAMIIFF 3-4-39 72Sq 11-4-39 Crashed on landing during night training flight Acklington CE 27-8-40 43MU 30-8-40 SOC 3-9-40
K9923Ia143EAMIIFF 3-4-39 72Sq 21-4-39 Forgot to lower u/c Church Fenton CE 13-7-39 F/O DFB Sheen safe. rtp
K9924Ia135EAMIIFF 4-4-39 72Sq 11-4-39 Failed to lower flaps overshot into ditch Church Fenton CA 30-5-39 P/O O SttJ Pigg safe. Taxied into L1086 Drem CA 23-11-39 Damaged landing Drem CA 1-1-40 F/O OStJ Pigg safe. Heavy landing damaged tail Acklington CA 24-5-40 P/O RD Elliott safe. Damaged in combat belly landed Gravesend 2-6-40 F/O OStJ Pigg inj 49MU salvaged 12-6-40 AST 6MU 15-11-40 58OTU 28-12-40 12MU 1-1-41 58OTU 2-2-41 Overshot into gravel and tipped on nose Grangemouth CA 2-3-41 P/O NF Duke safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Grangemouth CB 15-5-42 Sgt LP McGuire safe 33MU 22-9-43 53OTU 24-10-43 AC 3-2-44 CE SOC 11-8-44
K9925Ia136EAMIIFF 4-4-39 72Sq 'C' 11-4-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Woolsington CE 26-5-40 F/O OStJ Pigg safe SOC 14-6-40
K9926Ia137EAMIIFF 6-4-39 72Sq 'B' 14-4-39 603Sq CE SOC 31-5-40
K9927Ia138EAMIIFF 11-4-39 72Sq 14-4-39 Forgot to lower u/c Church Fenton CE 19-7-39 P/O NC Robson safe SOC 28-8-39
K9928Ia151EAMIIDamaged on t/o for test flight Southampton 11-4-39 72Sq 21-4-39 Taxied into car Church Fenton CA 16-1-40 P/O JW Villa safe 74Sq 'ZP-W' 10-5-40 Struck by lightning crashed nr Margate dbf 3-7-40 Sgt JRB White+ 49MU salvaged Broadstairs 5-7-40 SOC 31-7-40
K9929Ia139EAMIIFF 12-4-39 72Sq 14-4-39 Tipped on nose taxying Church Fenton CA 14-4-39 F/O FM Smith safe. Damaged ops 3-8-40 Westland 27-9-40 8MU 17-10-40 7OTU 24-10-40 34MU 19-12-40 52OTU 31-1-41 Overshot landing at night Aston Down CB 17-6-42 FSgt Joubert (Fr) safe AST recat E1 24-7-42
K9930Ia140EAMIIFF 12-4-39 54Sq 15-4-39 152Sq 23-2-40 Crashed Yarmouth IoW 8-40 49MU salvaged 25-8-40 AST 10-9-40 53OTU 7-9-41 Aileron jammed abandoned and crashed nr Cowbridge Glam 11-9-41 Sgt AN Cresswell (RAAF) safe
K9931Ia141EAMIIFF 13-4-39 74Sq 18-4-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Rochford CB 22-4-40 P/O SH Duckenfield safe AST 8-5-40 610Sq 'DW-R' 7-7-40 Shot down by Bf109s crashed nr Sandwich dbf 25-8-40 P/O FT Gardiner inj 49MU salvaged 30-8-40
K9932Ia142EAMIIFF 14-4-39 74Sq 19-4-39 e/f belly landed on mud flat Canvey Is CE 4-5-40 P/O PCF Stevenson safe SOC 13-5-40
K9933Ia145EAMIIFF 15-4-39 72Sq 17-4-39 602Sq 23-11-39 Tipped on nose after landing Drem CB 9-1-40 F/O AM Grant safe AST 25-1-40 7OTU 13-7-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Sealand CB 23-8-40 P/O JE Johnson safe. SAL 27-8-40 58OTU 2-1-41 Overshot into dispersal pen and hit Lysander Grangemouth CB 30-1-41 Sgt WTE Rolls safe 53OTU 17-7-41 e/f belly landed Rhoose AC 8-10-41 Sgt JV Davey safe. Hit by AR249 Llandow 27-2-42 P/O AE Tomblin. Struck by P9368 while parked Llandow CE 14-12-42 Sgt AR Mackay (RAAF) safe. recat CB 57OTU 28-7-43 e/f f/l on airfield Ouston CA 25-9-43 Sgt AW Dowding (RAAF) safe SOC 6-3-45
K9934Ia146EAMIIFF 15-4-39 72Sq 'SD-K' 18-4-39 2SoTT 4-9-39 72Sq Parachute flare dropped out and damaged fuselage Church Fenton CA 28-9-39 F/O RA Thomson safe AST 30-11-39 5OTU 4-6-40 7OTU 30-8-40 Stalled on landing u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Hawarden CB 22-9-40 P/O FHR Baraldi safe 58OTU 31-12-40 57OTU Swung on landing and tipped on nose Grangemouth CB 7-3-41 Sgt LJ Frecklington (RNZAF) safe. to 3083M 1SoTT 16-5-42
K9935Ia147EAMIIFF 16-4-39 72Sq 19-4-39 Undershot heavy landing port u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Church Fenton CA 25-5-39 P/O RJ Walker safe. Damaged by Bf109 over Channel 5-10-39 FSgt Steere safe 58OTU 9-3-41 stalled dived into ground Acklington 14-4-41 P/O RH Jagger+ SAL 18-4-41 SOC 30-4-41
K9936Ia148EAMIIFF 18-4-39 72Sq 21-4-39 Heavy landing went round and u/c collapsed after landing CA 15-8-39 P/O EJ Wilcox safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Acklington CA 21-5-40 P/O EJ Wilcox safe. Struck rising ground on landing u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Acklington CE 20-7-40 Sgt RE Plant safe 58OTU 2-1-41 57OTU 30-7-41 52OTU 23-8-41 57OTU Stalled on landing and dropped on nose Hawarden AC 15-10-41 Sgt TB Hamilton (RCAF) safe. Weak mixture set overshot twice and then hit mound Hawarden CB 11-11-41 Sgt AWH Biffen safe 52OTU 9-7-42 e/f belly landed in field Malmesbury Glos CA 6-12-42 Sgt NAA Turnbull (RAAF) safe 57OTU 29-8-43 Taxied into hole Acklington CB 11-11-43 FLt CG Endersby safe 85GCF 10-5-44
K9937Ia149EAMIIFF 17-4-39 72Sq 'SD-B' 19-4-39 Tipped on nose after landing Church Fenton CE 30-6-39 Sgt MH Pocock safe SOC 21-7-39 rtp
K9938Ia150EAMIIFF 18-4-39 72Sq 'SD-H' later 'ZP-W' 21-4-39 Tipped on nose taxying Church Fenton CA 25-4-39 P/O TAF Elsdon safe. Hit rise landing and u/c collapsed Drem CA 13-12-39 FSgt J Steere safe. Shot down by Bf109 abandoned and crashed nr Herne Bay dbf 2-9-40 Sgt NR Norfolk safe 49MU salvaged nr Canterbury 23-9-40
K9939Ia152EAMIIFF 19-4-39 72Sq 21-4-39 AST 18-12-39 222Sq 31-8-40 Shot down by Bf109 crashed Northam 30-10-40 P/O HPM Edridge+ (Edridge was shot down 3 times in BoB) 49MU salvaged Langwood Marshes Ewhurst 11-11-40
K9940Ia153EAMIIFF 19-4-39 72Sq 24-4-39 Undershot and hit fence Church Fenton CB 15-6-39 P/O HJ Wilcox safe. Tipped on nose taxying Acklington CA 27-3-40 FSgt J Steere safe. Damaged in air raid Biggin Hill CB 6-10-40 58OTU 1-1-41 Swung on landing and tipped on nose Grangemouth CB 22-3-41 Sgt JP Winfield safe CGS 9-7-41 Lost air pressure overshot and o/t Chelveston AC 27-12-41 F/O BJ Skibinski (Pol) safe 53OTU 27-11-43 u/c jammed up belly landed Kirton-in-Lindsey AC 21-2-44 42OTU 12-8-44 SOC 20-12-44
K9941Ia154EAMIIFF 21-4-39 72Sq 24-4-39 Control lost in cloud crashed Hooton Roberts Yorks 21-8-39 Sgt DV Peacock+
K9942Ia6S 30225EAMIIFF 21-4-39 72Sq 24-4-39 Belly landed on return from patrol Gravesend 5-6-40 Sgt Hamlyn safe 49MU salvaged 12-6-40 7OTU 17-8-40 57OTU 17-8-40 e/f belly landed Hawarden CA 16-5-41 Sgt EGH Watts safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden AC 17-7-41 P/O H Birkland (RCAF) safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 6-2-42 Sgt SW Steenson (RCAF) safe 53OTU 10-4-43 RNDA 17-3-44 33MU 6-4-44 82MU 15-5-44 52MU 28-8-44 RAF Museum Hendon as SD-V 8383M flown by F/O JB Nicholson VC extant 1984
K9943Ia156EAMIIFF 21-4-39 72Sq 24-4-39Forgot to lower u/c Church Fenton CE 17-8-39 Sgt M Gray safe MMO 11-9-39 7OTU 17-6-40 Raised u/c while stationary Hawarden CA 30-9-40 P/O SA Ogilvy safe AST 22-11-40 to 3229M 13-3-41 5SoTT
K9944Ia157EAMIIFF 22-4-39 66Sq 27-4-39 SF Northolt 19-10-39 snow guard and eng trls 27-2-40 VHF radio trls 4-40 comparison ailerons trls with Curtiss H-75 Hawkinge and Gloster F.5/34 Hawkinge 609Sq 4-6-40 54Sq 8-6-40 19Sq 17-6-40 66Sq 18-7-40 Shot down by Bf109s nr Gillingham Kent 5-9-40 FLt GP Christie ser inj SOC 11-11-40 RAE 4-41 trls with double trail edge flaps perforated with holes later slots Spoiler was fitt to tailplane. trls with fabric ailerons FH237:25
K9945Ia158EAMIIFF 22-4-39 first aircraft to have designation FIa 66Sq 27-4-39 616Sq 15-11-39 Tipped over by wire dislodged from fence by L1028 on landing Leconfield CB 8-1-40 P/O R Marples safe AST 2-2-40 7OTU 21-7-40 RAE 9-40 7OTU Undershot hit obstruction u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Hawarden CB 24-10-40 Sgt HK Hall safe 57OTU 19-12-40 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Speke AC 7-3-41 Sgt WB Rudd safe CGS 11-10-41 1CRU 28-7-42 58OTU 26-1-43 Ran out of fuel and belly landed in field nr Grangemouth CE 1-6-43 F/O C Gierycz (Pol) safe SOC 30-6-43
K9946Ia159EAMIIFF 24-4-39 66Sq 28-4-39 616Sq 17-11-39 Overshot and hit obstruction Church Fenton CA 12-12-39 FLt DE Gillam safe. e/f after t/o crashed in f/l S of Catfoss CE 5-3-40 P/O HK Laycock safe RAE 8-40 SOC 16-8-40
K9947Ia160EAMIIFF 25-4-39 66Sq 28-4-39 Undershot hit fence and tipped on nose Sutton Bridge CA 9-5-39 P/O DGB Paton safe 616Sq 14-11-39 Tipped on nose after landing Leconfield CA 14-12-39 F/O EF St.Aubyn safe. Damaged over Dunkirk 28-5-40 Sgt M Ridley inj AST 2-6-40 610Sq 'DW-M' 10-8-40 Shot down f/l Wye 14-8-40 Sgt FG Gardner safe 222Sq 23-9-40 58OTU 9-2-41 Stalled on landing Grangemouth CA 24-4-41 Sgt DP Pollock safe SAL 1-6-41 45MU 24-6-41 CGS 9-7-41 e/f belly landed into pond West Winch nr Kings Lynn Norfolk CE 13-4-42 Sgt WS Johnson inj ASTH SOC
K9948Ia161EAMIIFF 26-4-39 66Sq 28-4-39 74Sq 'JH-H' 2-5-39 616Sq 11-11-39 Tipped on nose taxying 26-11-39 P/O RIC Francis safe. Overshot and tipped on nose Church Fenton CA 8-1-40 Sgt M Ridley safe FTR ops 1-6-40 FH244:50
K9949Ia162EAMIIFF 26-4-39 66Sq 28-4-39 Undershot and hit chance light Duxford CB 1-6-39 Sgt FE Waller safe FH26:50
K9950Ia163EAMIIFF 27-4-39 66Sq 2-5-39 616Sq 8-11-39 611Sq 3-6-40 GAL 7-6-40 Damaged landing 22-7-40 Sgt Burt safe 64Sq 29-9-40 fire in flight aircraft abandoned over Tunbridge Wells Kent 28-11-40 P/O WNC Salmond inj 49MU salvaged Chiddingstone Hoath 29-11-40
K9951Ia164EAMIIFF 28-4-39 74Sq 2-5-39 Undershot and hit hedge Hornchurch CB 29-10-39 P/O DOM Browne safe 92Sq 12-9-40 Damaged in enemy action 18-9-40 P/O JG Pattison (RNZAF) inj. SAL 1-10-40 53OTU 17-7-41 Unable to open throttle belly landed Llandow CA 26-11-41 P/O SC McMann (USA) safe. Heavy landing u/c collapsed Llandow AC 28-1-42 P/O KM Barclay (RAAF) safe. Tipped on nose taxying Llandow CB 12-4-42 Sgt EG Hill safe. Swung after landing u/c collapsed Llandow AC 2-5-42 Sgt H Shephard safe. Collision with P8249 landing Llandow CE 27-5-42 P/O T Lundholm+
K9952Ia165EAMIIFF 28-4-39 74Sq 2-5-39 FTR Dunkirk 24-5-40 Sgt EA Mould safe
K9953Ia166EAMIIFF 28-4-39 74Sq 2-5-39 Hit K9863 after landing Southend CA 3-12-39 P/O RD Aubert safe 92Sq 12-4-40 RAE 6-40 7OTU 1-11-40 e/f belly landed and ran through hedge ROF 3ml E Wrexham CB 4-3-41 Sgt CRF Bland safe AST 10-3-41 1AAS e/f ran into ditch landing and u/c collapsed 1ml S Manby CB 7-12-41 Lt B Rabineau (Fr) safe 57OTU 16-6-42 Midair collision with R6883 lost tail crashed Newton on the Moor CE 7-10-43 W/O EM Mills (RCAF)+
K9954Ia167EAMIIFF 1-5-39 54Sq 5-5-39 152Sq 27-12-39 Damaged by Bf109 off Portland 15-8-40 FLt BPA Boitel-Gill safe SOC 20-8-40
K9955Ia168EAMIIFF 1-5-39 54Sq 5-5-39 602Sq 8-11-39 Damaged by Bf109 off Beachy Head Sussex f/l 4-9-40 49MU salvaged Westhampnett 8-9-40 AST 9-9-40 to 3267M [3276M?] 10SoTT SOC 18-9-44
K9956Ia170EAMIIFF 1-5-39 65Sq 6-5-39 603Sq 4-12-39 Struck windsock pole landing Montrose CE 8-4-40 P/O WA Douglas safe. Overshot in heavy rain and o/t Drem CE 17-4-40 P/O WA Douglas safe AST 26-4-40 SOC 13-5-40
K9957Ia171EAMIIFF 2-5-39 65Sq 6-5-39 74Sq 6-12-39 FTR Berck 21-5-40 P/O RD Aubert safe
K9958Ia172EAMIIFF 2-5-39 72Sq 8-5-39 Tipped on nose taxying Drem CA 26-11-39 Sgt NR Norfolk safe. Crashed Hawkinge 9-40 49MU salvaged 5-9-40 Westland 9-9-40 64Sq 2-10-40 43GDA 5-1-41 53OTU 16-7-41 Stalled on landing and u/c collapsed Llandow CB 9-9-41 Sgt G Lindsay (RAAF) safe ASTE 15-9-41
K9959Ia173EAMIIFF 4-5-39 72Sq 8-5-39 Hit by return fire from He111 7-12-39 FLt DFB Sheen inj. Undershot landed heavily and u/c collapsed Acklington CB 17-8-40 Sgt WT Rolls safe 1CRU 26-8-40 1PRU 9-10-40 e/f f/l in boggy field and u/c collapsed Long Marston CE 22-1-41 P/O A Krol (Pol) safe SOC 4-2-41
K9960Ia174EAMIIFF 3-5-39 10MU 6-5-39 610Sq 'DW-P' 2-10-39 222Sq 17-6-40 610Sq 23-7-40 FA 17-8-40 72Sq 5-9-40 Taxied into boundary lamp standard Croydon CA 7-9-40 Sgt RE Plant safe. Damaged by Bf109 over Ashford aircraft abandoned crashed Orlestone 14-9-40 Sgt Bell-Walker safe 49MU salvaged Snargate 26-9-40
K9961Ia178EAMIIFF 8-5-39 602Sq 10-5-39 Heavy landing u/c collapsed Drem CB 17-2-40 Sgt CF Babbage safe AST 29-2-40 7OTU 21-7-40 Hit bump on landing and u/c collapsed Hawarden CB 13-8-40 Sgt JF Armitage safe 58OTU 1-41 CGS 9-7-41 6FPP e/f f/l broke u/c leg and wing Ternhill AC 15-5-42 1/O EW Coe safe. recat CB recat CE 26-5-42 FH297:55
K9962Ia175EAMIIFF 4-5-39 602Sq 8-5-39 AST 4-3-40 222Sq 3-9-40 Shot down by Bf109 crashed West Malling Kent 4-9-40 Sgt JW Ramshaw+ 49MU salvaged 4-9-40
K9963Ia176EAMIIFF 4-5-39 602Sq 8-5-39 AST 27-11-39 611Sq 4-6-40 234Sq 1-9-40 603Sq 6-9-40 Shot down Bilsington nr Ashford CE 5-10-40 P/O JS Morton inj
K9964Ia179EAMIIFF 8-5-39 602Sq 10-5-39 1CRU 21-5-40 64Sq 'SH-W' 14-8-40 Shot down nr Calais 15-8-40 P/O R Roberts PoW
K9965Ia177EAMIIFF 5-5-39 602Sq 10-5-39 Lost height in turn after night take-off on training flight and flew into ground nr Abbotsinch 8-9-39 Sgt JMC Bryden+ SOC 3-10-39 FH23:55
K9966Ia180EAMIIFF 8-5-39 602Sq 'ZT-E' 12-5-39 u/c collapsed on t/o Abbotsinch CB 8-7-39 P/O AW Charrett safe SOC 15-8-39 rtp
K9967Ia181EAMIIFF 8-5-39 602Sq 'ZT-O' 10-5-39 Belly landed MMO 30-5-39 7OTU 17-6-40 19Sq 3-9-40 7OTU 10-9-40 crash-landing collided with R6911 Hawarden CE 14-9-40 P/O AB Payne inj/Sgt B Price safe SOC 23-9-40
K9968Ia182EAMIIFF 9-5-39 602Sq 12-5-39 Stalled on landing at summer camp Church Fenton CB 5-6-39 P/O AW Charrett safe
K9969Ia183EAMIIFF 10-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 u/c collapsed after landing Drem CA 11-11-39 F/O JP Ferguson safe. Tipped on nose after landing Turnhouse CA 20-3-40 F/O AM Grant safe. Damaged in combat with Bf109 hit HT cables and crashed Littlehampton AC 18-8-40 F/O PJ Ferguson inj 49MU salvaged 1416Flt Hendon 3-4-41 140Sq 3-4-41 Taxying in crosswind tipped on nose Cranfield CA 7-4-42 P/O CB Barber safe [also reported 7-3-42] HAL 18-7-42 RN Arbroath 4-9-42 761Sq Henstridge 11-42 While stationary hit by taxying Master W9026 45MU 11-9-44 SOC 26-1-45 DBR
K9970Ia184EAMIIFF 10-5-39 602Sq 12-5-39 611Sq 4-6-40 Forgot to lower u/c Digby CB 28-7-40 P/O JW Lund safe 1CRU 3-8-40 610Sq 'DW-V' 9-9-40 Overshot into ditch Woolsington CA 25-10-40 Sgt W Raine safe 602Sq 14-12-40 e/f belly landed 2ml N West Kilbride CE 6-1-41 Sgt P McDougall-Black safe SOC 17-1-41
K9971Ia185EAMIIFF 11-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 Overshot landing skidded on wet ground and hit hedge Church Fenton CB 18-7-39 P/O N Stone safe SOC rtp
K9972Ia188EAMIIFF 11-5-39 602Sq 16-5-39 MMO 23-9-39 7OTU 22-7-40 CB 28-8-40 57OTU Bounced on landing port oleo bent Speke AC 7-2-41 Sgt CL Harrison safe. e/f belly landed struck sheep and caught fire Rhyl CE 25-4-41 Sgt KB Chisholm (RAAF) safe SOC 10-5-41
K9973Ia189EAMIIFF 12-5-39 602Sq 16-5-39 MMO 30-11-39 SOC 10-11-42
K9974Ia186EAMIIFF 12-5-39 602Sq 15-5-39 Overshot landing struck L1079 Drem CA 26-11-39 F/O Stone safe 63MU 7-12-39 SOC 16-1-40
K9975Ia187EAMIIFF 15-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 Ran into snow on landing and o/t Acklington CB 3-2-40 Sgt DW McAdam safe AST 11-2-40 610Sq 'DW-S' 14-9-40 4FPP Hit lorry on landing Hornchurch CB 23-9-40 Sgt WBJ Sharp safe 222Sq 23-9-40 GAL 1-10-40 58OTU 13-1-41 u/c collapsed landing Grangemouth AC 4-2-41 Sgt E Bloor safe 57OTU 29-5-42 dived into ground nr Sealand CE 29-5-42 P/O JT Parrott (USA)+
K9976Ia190EAMIIFF 15-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 AST 14-11-39 5OTU 4-6-40 7OTU 21-8-40 e/f belly landed Prestatyn beach CE 6-9-40 P/O Armstrong safe AST 25-2-41 53OTU 21-7-41 e/f spun into ground nr Flemingstone Glam CE 11-9-41 Sgt RE McMurray (RCAF)+ SOC 18-9-41
K9977Ia191EAMIIFF 16-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 Flew into ground on landing Abbotsinch CB 5-9-39 FLt GC Pinkerton safe. Wing detached diving out of cloud recovering from loop and dived into ground Haddington E.Lothian CE 30-12-39 Sgt BP Bailey+ SOC 11-2-40
K9978Ia192EAMIIFF 16-5-39 602Sq 18-5-39 Ran out of fuel while lost on night patrol f/l and ran into hedge 1ml NW Dunbar CE 2-3-40 F/O GV Proudman inj SOC 13-5-40
K9979Ia197EAMIIFF 16-5-39 602Sq 22-5-39 ASTH 14-11-39 7OTU 22-9-40 Hit petrol bowser taxying Hawarden CA 25-9-40 P/O GD Calderhead safe 57OTU Heavy landing Sealand CB 25-4-41 Sgt L Hemingway safe 52OTU 31-10-41 GAL 17-7-42 31SLG 12-12-42 52OTU 3-6-43 58OTU 21-6-43 Prop hit obstruction taxying Grangemouth CA 8-8-43 F/O WF Holmes safe. Overshot and tipped on nose Grangemouth AC 5-9-43 Sgt FA Morgan (RCAF) safe. Ballooned on landing and u/c collapsed Grangemouth AC 12-9-43 W/O GF Wallace (RCAF) safe 2CTW 20-10-43 1TEU 26-2-44 crashed 25-5-44 SAL 12-8-44 CE 28-8-44
K9980Ia193EAMIIIFF 16-5-39 first with MIII eng 611Sq 19-5-39 152Sq 15-2-40 Crashed Warmwell CE 21-7-40 49MU salvaged SOC 22-10-40 FH182:10
K9981Ia194EAMIIIFF 17-5-39 611Sq 19-5-39 AST 5-3-40 611Sq 4-6-40 7OTU 21-8-40 Crashed in f/l River Dee nr Flint 12-9-40 SOC 3-10-40
K9982Ia195EAMIIIFF 17-5-39 611Sq 20-5-39 2FPP Tipped on nose taxying Filton CA 23-5-39 P/O HA Trenchard safe 152Sq 9-2-40 e/f while taxying and hit petrol bowser Warmwell CA 27-7-40 Sgt EE Shepperd safe. Shot down abandoned off IoW CE 26-9-40 F/O EC Deanesly inj
K9983Ia196EAMIIIFF 18-5-39 611Sq 20-5-39 616Sq 9-2-40 AST 17-5-40 7OTU 16-8-40 57OTU Heavy landing u/c collapsed Speke CB 15-11-40 P/O RA White safe 58OTU 26-3-41 to 3275M 10SoTT 18-12-42 CE 3-8-44
K9984Ia198EAMIIIFF 19-5-39 611Sq 22-5-39 e/f after t/o belly landed nr Duxford CA 29-8-39 F/O SH Bazley safe 616Sq 9-2-40 Tyre burst on t/o and wing hit ground Catfoss CA 7-3-40 P/O WR Macpherson safe FA 27-4-40 7OTU 21-7-40 CB 21-9-40 SOC 3-10-40
K9985Ia199EAMIIIFF 19-5-39 611Sq 'FY-G' 22-5-39 Became lost flew into ground out of cloud 5ml SW Wattisham CE 2-9-39 P/O HF Leech+ SOC FH54:30
K9986Ia200EAMIIIFF 20-5-39 66Sq 22-5-39 crashed at night Duxford 6-9-39 P/O DGB Paton+ SOC 18-9-39
K9987Ia201EAMIIIFF 22-5-39 66Sq 'RB-V' 23-5-39 Overshot into fence Duxford CA 1-6-39 P/O RW Oxspring safe. Struck hedge on approach and crashed Duxford CE 30-9-39 Sgt C Sydney safe SOC FH53:90
K9988Ia202EAMIIIFF 23-5-39 66Sq 23-5-39 616Sq 14-11-39 Collided with Magister N3859 of 234Sq on t/o Leconfield CE 21-2-40 F/O JS Bell inj SOC 16-3-40 (Magister pilot P/O DW Coysh+)
K9989Ia203EAMIIIFF 23-5-39 66Sq 10-9-39 611Sq 17-10-39 152Sq 9-2-40 Overshot into gun emplacement u/c collapsed and tipped on nose Greatham W.Hartlepool CB 8-6-40 P/O GJ Cox safe SAL 13-6-40 72Sq 9-9-40 Collision with X4544 during scramble Biggin Hill CE 5-10-40 P/O N Sutton+
K9990Ia204EAMIIIFF 23-5-39 66Sq 10-9-39 611Sq 30-11-39 141Sq 4-11-39 611Sq 4-12-39 152Sq 9-2-40 Shot down by AA fire from British Convoy aircraft abandoned off IoW 18-7-40 FH149:15
K9991Ia205EAMIIIFF 24-5-39 6MU 31-5-39 41Sq 8-9-39 64Sq 17-4-40 Shot down by Bf109 CB 5-8-40 P/O Donahue safe ASTH 57OTU 1-11-40 Took off in coarse pitch struck earth bank and boundary Sealand CE 13-3-41 P/O S Krol (Pol) inj AST 21-3-41 61OTU 30-8-41 Ran out of fuel belly landed Hatch End AC 4-9-41 Sgt DG Andrews (RAAF) safe GAL 8-9-41 1AAS 22-11-41222MU 14-8-43 'Rugeley' 4-9-43 Portugal 18-9-43
K9992Ia206EAMIIIFF 24-5-39 74Sq 28-9-39 Shot down abandoned Dunkirk 24-5-40 AFLt WPF Treacy
K9993Ia207EAMIIIFF 24-5-39 6MU 3-6-39 66Sq 30-9-39 19Sq 30-11-39 e/f undershot through boundary fence Duxford CB 13-6-40 P/O E Burgoyne safe GAL 19-6-40 41Sq 10-9-40 222Sq 13-9-40 Shot down by Bf109 abandoned Malden Surrey 20-9-40 P/O WR Assheton inj
K9994Ia208EAMIIIFF 25-5-39 74Sq 28-9-39 ASTH 1-12-39 7OTU 18-6-40 FA 5-7-40 AST 65Sq 20-10-40 57OTU 28-11-40 Hit sea f/l on beach Prestatyn North Wales 8-6-41 SOC CE 10-41
K9995Ia209EAMIIIFF 26-5-39 504Sq 2-11-39 603Sq 6-11-39 CB 19-7-40 1CRU 602Sq 19-8-40 65Sq 27-8-40 FA 27-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 57OTU Hit ground flying low off Dee Estuary 8-6-41 ros 57OTU 6-9-41 Pulled out of dive too late hit water and crashed Dee Estuary CE 21-9-41 Sgt K Janata (Czech) inj SOC 14-10-41
K9996Ia210EAMIIIFF 31-5-39 504Sq 2-11-39 603Sq 6-11-39 AST 15-11-39 266Sq 17-8-40 616Sq 7-9-40 57OTU 4-1-41 Overshot into hedge Sealand CB 28-3-41 Sgt Laing safe. e/f on t/o ran over boundary Hawarden CE 30-7-41 Sgt C Brown (RCAF) safe SOC 9-8-41
K9997Ia211EAMIIIFF 1-6-39 504Sq 2-11-39 603Sq 6-11-39 Failed to ensure u/c fully locked Prestwick CA 22-12-39 P/O BG Stapleton safe AST 6-1-40 CB 17-4-40 609Sq 4-6-40 Damaged enemy action 12-8-40 7OTU 5-10-40 57OTU Bounced and stalled landing tyre burst and u/c collapsed Speke CB 17-4-41 Sgt RW Jenkins safe SAL 22-4-41 53OTU 17-7-41 u/c collapsed taxying Llandow CB 22-8-41 Sgt DG Weekley safe. ros 26-8-41 u/c collapsed landing Llandow AC 5-10-41 Sgt EA Southey safe. Swung on landing tipped on nose and hit X4819 Llandow CE 24-1-42 Sgt WJ Basey (RAAF) safe
K9998Ia212EAMIIIFF 1-6-39 504Sq 2-11-39 603Sq 6-11-39 Ran into soft ground on landing and o/t Dyce 9-2-40 Sgt JR Caister safe AST 24-2-40 92Sq 2-7-40 7OTU 1-11-40 Westland 4-11-40 7OTU 4-11-40 57OTU e/f belly landed Hawarden AC 11-5-41 P/O GWH Phillips safe. Stb wing dropped landing and cartwheeled Hawarden CB 26-8-41 P/O FS Haslett safe 1CRU 4-9-41 to 2822M 6SoTT 27-12-41
K9999Ia213EAMIIIFF 1-6-39 10MU 5-6-39 611Sq 'FY-D' 18-9-39 Hit Blenheim L8722 taxying Digby CA 6-11-39 Sgt JR Mather safe 152Sq 15-2-40 Shot down by Ju88 off IoW 12-8-40 P/O DC Shepley+