Civil Aircraft Register - United States

list of abbreviations

Reg Type c/n History Owners Date CoR Fate
N-AABAFokker UniversalN-AABAColonial Air Transport00.00.26
N-AABBFokker UniversalN-AABBColonial Air Transport00.00.26
N-AABCCurtiss LarkN-AABCColonial Air Transport00.00.26
N-ABCAAvro 504KN-ABCAJohn M Larsen/New York00.00.21
N-ABCBLaird SwallowN-ABCBLMC Drilling Company/Wichita
N-ABCCAvro 504KN-ABCCAkers Airphoto Corporation/Chicago
N-ABCDLaird SwallowN-ABCDNinimo Black Airport Corporation/Chicago
N-ABCEAvro 504KN-ABCEJohn A Hambleton/Baltimore
N-ABCFLoening M.23 Air YachtN-ABCF G-CADVLoening Aero Engineering Corporation/New York
N-ABCGCurtiss JN-4N-ABCGDiggins Aviation Company/Chicago
N-ABCHCurtiss JN-4N-ABCHDiggins Aviation Company/Chicago
N-ABCICurtiss JN-4CN-ABCIAero Club of Minneapolis
N-ABCJCurtiss JN-4N-ABCJJohn C Metzger/Chicago
N-ABCKCurtiss JN-4 N-ABCKDavid L Behncke/Forest Park IL
N-ABCLCurtiss JN-4N-ABCLDavid L Behncke/Forest Park IL
N-ABCMCurtiss JN-4DN-ABCME Hamilton Lee/Chicago
N-ABCNCurtiss JN-4DN-ABCNA W Stephenson/Miles City MT
N-ABCOCurtiss C-6N-ABCOChicago Tribune/Chicago
N-ABCPAvro 504KN-ABCPBrooks Banks & Smith Corp/Framingham MA
N-ABCQStandard J-1N-ABCQC E Lessong/Chicago
N-ABCRStandard J-1N-ABCRR S Thompson/Oakland CA
N-ABCSCurtiss MFN-ABCSNorthbird Aviation Co/Ketchikan AK
N-ABCTCurtiss MFN-ABCTH P Ayres/Pittsburgh PA
N-ABCULoening Air YachtN-ABCUVincent Astor/New York
N-ABCVLoening Air YachtN-ABCVHarold S Vanderbilt/New York
N-ABCWWaco 4N-ABCWGeorge E Weaver/Chicago
N-ABCXCurtiss MFN-ABCXMrs K LaParle/Chicago
N-ABCYCurtiss MFN-ABCYTriangle Airways
N-ABCZJudson-Kantner F BoatN-ABCZContinental MotorsWorn earlier by Loening?
N-ABDACurtiss JN-4N-ABDAB D Burley/Chicago
N-ABEALWF G-3N-ABEAL B Coombs/New York
N-ABGACurtiss JN-4DN-ABGAJ Sorenson/Thomson IL
N-ABHALaird SwallowN-ABHAT J Junker/El Dorado KS
N-ABIAAeromarine 39-BN-ABIAG Mosny Jr/Indiana Harbor IN
N-ABJALincoln-StandardN-ABJAR R Ferguson/Chicago
N-ABKACurtiss JN-4DN-ABKAAnna M Parker/Hazelcrest IL
N-ABLACurtiss HS-2LN-ABLAAmerican Airways/Cleveland
N-ABMACurtiss JN-4DN-ABMAAntone Brotz/Chicago
N-ABNABoeing B-186G-CADS wore N-CADS N-ABNA 4985 NC1974Edward Hubbard/Seattle00.00.19
N-ABOALincoln-StandardN-ABOAGreat Lakes Aviation Co/Cleveland
N-ABPALincoln-StandardN-ABPAAntone Brotz/Chicago
N-ABQALincoln-StandardN-ABQAW F Bridgeman/Ottumwa IA
N-ABSALaird SwallowN-ABSAVictor Dallin
N-AFORStout Air PullmanN-AFORStout Airplane Co/Detroit
N-BMULStandard J-1N-BMULR W Schroeder/Chicago
N-MAABTravel Air C-6N-MAABWilliam Eaton Jr/Boston
N-XAAAAirco DH.6N-XAAAWalter Becker/Newark NJ
Canadian registered aircraft operating in the US 
N-CACHStandard J-14887 N-CACH G-CACH
N-CACMCurtiss HS-2LA4248 G-CACM wore N-CACM
N-CADPJunkers-Larsen JL-6 (F13)561N-CADP G-CADP
N-CADQJunkers-Larsen JL-6 (F13)558D-81 N-CADQ G-CADQ
N-CADRBoeing CL.4S60G-CADR wore N-CADR
N-CADSBoeing J-186G-CADS wore N-CADSCrashed 29.3.23 Rebuilt as N-ABNA
N-CADTJunkers-Larsen JL-6 (F13)566G-CADT wore N-CADT21.02.21
N-CAEDDayton-Wright FP-2G-CAED wore N-CAEDSpanish River Pulp & Paper Co/Ontario Canada