Sources, References and Links

Sources are too numerous to list, but here are some of the principal ones:

Bureau Veritas Annual Registers 1925-1939. Complete set held by New York Public Library.

Incomplete set held by the Bibliotheque National, Paris (1925,1926,1947-) and the Musee de la Air, Le Bourget (1928-)

International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN)/Commission Internationale de Navigation Aerienne (CINA) weekly Bulletin of Information/Bulletin de Renseignements. 1922-1946 No.s 1-992. ICAO Archives, Montreal

Nachrichten fur Luftfahrer. 1920-1944. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) Munich

National Archives London

British Library London - India Office Records

The Aircraft Year Book (US). Annual publication 1919-1939. The British Library (1919 to 1922)

The Aircraft Year Book (UK) 1923 The British Library

Flight International Archives

The Aeroplane magazine

The Latin American Aviation Historical Society

1000 aircraft photos

Museum of Flight Seattle

Swiss Aviation

Airlines of Latin America since 1919. R.E.G.Davies. Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 087474 3583

Airlines of Asia since 1920. R.E.G.Davies. Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 085 1778550

U.S. Civil Aircraft Series, Vol 1-7. Joseph P Juptner

Many thanks to the staff of the ICAO library in Montreal, the National Archives at Kew, the British Library, New York Public Library, Bibliotheque Nationale, RAF Museum and Musee de l'Air

And to everyone who has provided information or taken the time to contact me with corrections, in particular Malcolm Fillmore, Ron Church, Arnaldo Correia, Dan Hagedorn at the Museum of Flight, Paul Talbott at the Delta Flight Museum, Claudio Luchina, Marek Lazarz, Austin Brown, Rainer Haufschild, Kees Kort, Rayburn Ray, Daniel Legras, Norman Gray, Theo Wesselink, Robert Gujski, Predrag Miladinovic, Herman Dekker, Coen van den Heuvel, Dr Jesse C. Hillman, Josef Studeny, Brian Lindner, Ken Sandford, Johan Visschedijk, Darryl Gibbs, Philippe Martin, Thomas Mildenberger, Ken Freeze, Valter Battistoni, Pawel Kalafatiuk, Clara Koser, John Faulkner, Ian Andrews, David Garbutt, Ian Atheling, Jean-Claude M. Cailliez, Eduardo Bonvissuto, Eddie Coates, Chris Borough, Prof Owen V Johnson, Ramiro C. Carvalho, Thomas Hubner, Greg Wilsbacher, Alain van den Steene, Airy-Hugues Millet, John Page, Anna Croizet, Hans Kampf, Harry Wade, Nicolas Heitz, Bertrand, Dr Peter Moys, Jason Gould, Schaffner Emmanuel,Arne Bolzmann, Jeff King, Nicolas Heitz, Dave Robinson, Snorry A Tokay, Michael Pomeroy, Terry Baker (ex Air Canada), Peter Graham, Peter Butt and Lilah Pengra.

To Egidio Ferrighi for the Italian updates, Pavel Kloucek for the Czech additions and amendments, Clive Lynch for Australian amendments, George at the National Stinson Club, Gary Beattie, and Fernando Morales for correcting the EC-W19 to EC-W23 series.

To Axel Bree for additions to the WL- German register based on his fathers logbooks, Horst from luftfahrarchive and Ruud Bijman.

Leo P. Murray for a complete re-write of the Irish register.

David McIntosh of the Canadian Museum of Flight.

Lluis Coromina Bertran for updates to the early Spanish Register.

And to Vincent Fay for a complete re-write of the Hungarian and Mexican registers

Flights from every airport

Aircraft Mechanics are at risk of developing mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused from asbestos exposure that can take 20-50 years to develop. Asbestos was commonly used in aircraft equipment for its heat and friction resistant properties. These parts include the brakes and insulation around the engine and electrical components.

The Mesothelioma Center provides resources for those affected.

Civil Aircraft Registrations

Historical Canadian Civil Aircraft Register - CAHS publications

Aeroreg registers

Airnet production lists

Official Australian Register

Official Austrian Register

Official Brazilian Register

Official Canadian Register

Official Finnish Register

Official French Register

Recherchen zur Deutschen Luftfahrzeugrolle. 1919-1934. Karl Ries. ISBN 387341 0222

Recherchen zur Osterreichische Luftfahrzeugrolle von 1923-1938. Seagrave. Weishaupt. ISBN 390031 0076

Official Hungarian Register

Unofficial Hungarian Register

Official Indian Register

Official Irish Register

Official Isle of Man Register

Official Latvian Register

Official Luxembourg Register

Official Netherlands Register

Official New Zealand Register

Official Singapore Register

Official Swedish Register

Svensk civil luftfart 1923-1945. Gunther Sollinger. ISBN 9197352705

Official Swiss Register

Official UK Complete Register

Official USA Register

Links to Official registers

Links to Unofficial registers

List of Current aircraft registers

Aircraft Production lists

Aircraft production lists

de Havilland production

RWD production

Ernst Heinkel Flugzeuwerke 1922-1932. Volker Koos. Heel. ISBN 3898805026

Junkers Aircraft & Engines 1913-1945. AL Kay. Putnam. ISBN 0851779859

Revolution in the Sky - The Lockheeds of Aviations Golden Age. R.S. Allen. Orion Books. ISBN 0517 566788

The Ford Tri-Motor. William T Larkins. Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 088740 4162

The Stearman Guidebook. Mayborn & Bowers. ISBN 091247 0011

Fairchild Aircraft 1926-1987. Kent A Mitchell. Narkiewicz/Thompson. ISBN 0913322040

Vultee Aircraft 1932-1947. Narkiewicz/Thompson. ISBN 0913322024

Martin Aircraft 1909-1960. Narkiewicz/Thompson. ISBN 0913322032

Les Avions Caudron. Andre Hauet. ISBN 2914017081 and ISBN 291401709X

Les Avions Bernard. Jean Liron. Lariviere. ISBN X000590311

Les Avions Farman. Jean Liron. Lariviere. ISBN X000590214

Les Avions et Hydravions Latecoere. Jean Cuny. Lariviere. ISBN 2907051016

McDonnell Douglas Aircraft since 1920. Francillon. Putnam. ISBN 0851778275

Boeing Aircraft since 1916. Bowers. Putnam.

Curtiss Aircraft 1907-1947. Bowers. Putnam. ISBN0370100298

Lockheed Aircraft since 1913. Francillon. Putnam.

Polish Aircraft 1893-1939. Jerzy B Cynk. Putnam. ISBN 0370000854

Airspeed Aircraft since 1931. Taylor. Putnam. ISBN 0851778488

Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft since 1913. Tapper. Putnam. ISBN 0851778267

Avro Aircraft since 1908. Jackson. Putnam. ISBN 0851778348

Blackburn Aircraft since 1909. Jackson. Putnam. ISBN 0851778305

Bristol Aircraft since 1910. Barnes. Putnam. ISBN 0851778232

De Havilland Aircraft since 1909. Jackson. Putnam. ISBN 085177802X

Fairey Aircraft since 1915. Taylor. Putnam. ISBN 0870212087

Handley Page Aircraft since 1907. Barnes. Putnam. ISBN 0851778038

Hawker Aircraft since 1920. Mason. Putnam. ISBN 0851778399

Shorts Aircraft since 1900. Barnes. Putnam. ISBN 0851778194

Supermarine Aircraft since 1914. Andrews/Morgan. Putnam. ISBN 0851778003

Vickers Aircraft since 1908. Andrews/Morgan. Putnam. ISBN 0851778151