The designs of Geoffrey de Havilland and the company he formed in 1920 have had a profound effect on aviation.
During the 1920's and 1930's the Moth series taught many an airman to fly and caught the public imagination by establishing numerous world records. The term 'Moth' was used collectively to refer to any light aeroplane.
The Tiger Moth formed the backbone of Commonwealth flying training during the Second World War with over 8,000 being produced, and war surplus aircraft re-established many flying clubs in the post-war period.
I have not attempted to provide a detailed description of the history of the company or detailed data on the aircraft - the excellent reference work 'De Havilland Aircraft since 1909' by A J Jackson cannot be bettered in that regard.
This is a complete history of every aircraft produced by the company, its subsidiaries and licensees from the incorporation of the De Havilland company in 1920 up to its takeover by Hawker Siddeley.
The early designs of Geoffrey de Havilland built by the Aircraft Manufacturing Co ('Airco') and overseas licensees during the first World War have been excluded.
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