

Ships - Malta

Hover over cargo for list of Hurricane serials

cargo codes

Overland flights

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
Flown10MU06.06.40Malta21.06.406HP2644 crashed Marignane France
FlownAston Down18.06.40Malta12H6 a/c crashed en route

Aircraft were flown via France and Tunis. P2584 crashed at Marignane. P2625 crashed at Tunis. P2626 crashed Ussel France. P2642 was abandoned near Bizerta. P2648 crashed in the sea near Bizerta. P2650 crashed on a beach near Bizerta.

Direct shipments

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusHurryGlasgow24.07.40Malta02.08.4012HN2700 crashed on landing
HMS ArgusWhiteGlasgow11.11.40Malta17.11.4012H8 a/c ditched
EssexExcess/DressGlasgow19.12.40Malta10.01.4112Hin cases

The 8 aircraft to run out of fuel and ditch en route were: V7373 V7374 V7413 V7475 V7487 V7488 V7494 V7549

Operation Winch

Aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch and loaded by lighter. Argus sailed to Gibraltar and transferred the aircraft to Ark Royal. She then sailed to a point west of Malta where the aircraft were flown off. For later operations each stage was given a separate Operation name.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusWinchGlasgow21.03.41Gibraltar01.04.4112H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS Ark RoyalWinchGibraltar02.04.41off Malta03.04.4112HZ3036 crashed on landing

Operation Dunlop/Salient

Aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch and loaded by lighter. Z4022 was a reserve aircraft and remained in the UK. Argus sailed to Gibraltar and transferred the aircraft to Ark Royal.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusDunlopGreenock17.04.41Gibraltar24.04.4124H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS Ark RoyalSalientGibraltar24.04.41off Malta27.04.4123HZ4059 was returned to the UK

Operation Temple

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
ParracombeTempleLeith11.04.41Malta21HSunk off Cape Bon 2.5.41 with all aircraft lost.

Operation Jaguar/Splice

Aircraft were packed into crates at 47MU Sealand. They were loaded aboard Furious at Liverpool and assembled en route Gibraltar. 20 aircraft were transferred to Ark Royal and 15 left at Gibraltar. Z4705 was returned to the UK unserviceable.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS FuriousJaguarGreenock12.05.41Gibraltar18.05.4164H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS FuriousSpliceGibraltar19.05.41off Malta21.05.4128HZ4488 Hit the sea en route
HMS Ark RoyalSpliceGibraltar19.05.41off Malta21.05.4120H

Operation Glover/Rocket

In the UK the aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch and transferred to Argus by lighter. The aircraft were unloaded at Gibraltar. 15 of the aircraft left at Gibraltar from the previous shipment plus these aircraft were loaded aboard Ark Royal and Furious.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusGloverGreenock22.05.41Gibraltar31.05.4129H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS FuriousRocketGibraltar05.06.41off Malta06.06.4120H
HMS Ark RoyalRocketGibraltar05.06.41off Malta06.06.4124H

Z2624 returned to Furious and was shipped back to the UK.

Operation Harley/Tracer

In the UK the aircraft were flown to Donibristle. Z4620 and Z4720 crashed en route. Victorious was diverted to hunt for the Bismarck and then joined convoy WS.8X on 3rd June. She detached on the 5th and docked at Gibraltar.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS VictoriousHarleyRosyth31.05.41Gibraltar11.06.4148H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS VictoriousTracerGibraltar13.06.41off Malta14.06.4122H
HMS Ark RoyalTracerGibraltar13.06.41off Malta14.06.4126H

Z4577 did not take off. Z4701 ditched en route to Malta. Z4532 landed in North Africa. Z4356 and Z4713 crashed on landing Malta.

Operation Nordic/Railway

In the UK the aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch and transferred to Furious by lighter. 2 reserve aircraft remained in the UK.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS FuriousNordicGreenock22.06.41Gibraltar25.06.4164H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS Ark RoyalRailway IGibraltar26.06.41off Malta27.06.4122HZ3523 lost en route to Malta
HMS FuriousRailway IIGibraltar28.06.41off Malta30.06.4116HBV164 crashed on takeoff
HMS Ark RoyalRailway IIGibraltar28.06.41off Malta30.06.4126H

As a result of the accident involving BV164 on Furious six aircraft did not take off and returned to the UK. These were Z2408 Z2793 Z2975 Z3145 BV165 and DG614.

Operation Scarlet/Status

Aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch. Z5070 force landed in Eire on the ferry flight to Abbotsinch. The initial operation was meant to consist of two flights but the Blenheim escort aircraft failed to arrive.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS FuriousScarletGreenock31.08.41Gibraltar07.09.4161H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS Ark RoyalStatus IGibraltar08.09.41off Malta09.09.4114H
HMS FuriousStatus IIGibraltar10.09.41off Malta13.09.4120HZ5218 crashed on take off.
HMS Ark RoyalStatus IIGibraltar10.09.41off Malta13.09.4126H

BD793 was unserviceable and was returned to the UK.

Operation Pantaloon/Perpetual

Aircraft were flown to Abbotsinch. BE341 crashed on arrival and a replacement aircraft BG722 was not loaded.

Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusPantaloonGreenock01.11.41Gibraltar07.11.4123H
HMS AthenePantaloonDumbarton01.11.41Gibraltar08.11.4139H
Vessel Operation Loaded Sailed Destination Arrived Cargo Notes
HMS ArgusPerpetualGibraltar10.11.41off Malta12.11.4111HBE369 BG712 BE561 lost en route Malta.
HMS Ark RoyalPerpetualGibraltar10.11.41off Malta12.11.4126HBG765 crashed on landing
HMS AthenePerpetualGibraltar23.12.41Takoradi01.01.4224H

Ark Royal was torpedoed on 13 November and sank the following day. Consequently the second delivery was cancelled and the remaining aircraft (less one that crashed at Gibraltar on the 2nd December during practice flights [possibly BE349]) were loaded aboard Athene for shipment to Takoradi.

Red cell indicates lost at sea.