Times are shown in the format hh:mm
Dates are shown in the format dd.mm.yy and also in Army format YYMMDD to enable sorting as a text field.
Caution should be exercised if converting dates to a spreadsheet format as dd.mm.14 may be interpreted as dd/mm/2014 and not dd/mm/1914
Entries in square brackets '[...]' are my comments and do not appear in the original document.
If loading files into a spreadsheet I recommend specifying all fields as 'text'.
Note that references to 'Raf' refer to the Royal Aircraft Factory and not Royal Air Force, and 'plane' refers to an aircraft wing and not an aeroplane.
Where two names are given the first named is the pilot and second the observer or aerial gunner. If only one name is given it should be assumed to be the pilot unless appended by (obs) for observer or (AG) for aerial gunner.
2Lt | 2nd Lieutenant |
1AM | Air Mechanic 1st class |
2AM | Air Mechanic 2nd class |
AG | Aerial Gunner |
BrigGen | Brigadier General |
Capt | Captain |
Cpl | Corporal |
EO | Equipment Officer |
FltCdt | Flight Cadet |
FltCdr | Flight Commander (Navy) |
FltLt | Flight Lieutenant (Navy) |
FltSgt | Flight Sergeant |
FltSubtLt | Flight Sub Lieutenant (Navy) |
FO | Flying Officer |
FOO | Flying Officer Observer |
Genl | General |
GL | Gun Layer (Navy) |
LCpl | Lance Corporal |
Lt | Lieutenant |
LtCol | Lieutenant-Colonel |
Maj | Major |
Obs | Observer |
POff | Pilot Officer |
Prob | Probationer |
Sgt | Sergeant |
SO | Staff Officer |
SubLt | Sub Lieutenant (Navy) |
'T' in front of a rank indicates Temporary. 'A' means Acting and 'P' Probationary.
AAP | Aircraft Acceptance Park/Army Aircraft Park |
AD/AP | Aircraft Depot/Aircraft Park. Later known as ASD |
(AD is sometimes also used as an abbreviation for aerodrome but not as such in these files) | |
AFC | Australian Flying Corps |
AFS | Air Fighting School |
AI | Air Issues (section of Aircraft Depot) |
AID | Aircraft Inspection Department |
AMR | Aerial Musketry Range |
AOS | Artillery Observation School |
AP | Aircraft Park |
AR | Aerial Range |
ASD | Aircraft Storage Depot |
Later divided into Issues Section (IS/AI), Reception Park (Rec Pk), Repair Park (Rep Pk), Salvage Section (SS) | |
ASU | Aerodrome Service Unit |
BD | Base Depot |
Bde | Brigade |
BMTRD | Base Motor Transport Repair Depot |
CDD | Cadet Distribution Depot |
CFS | Central Flying School |
CW | Cadet Wing |
ELP | Emergency Landing Party |
ERD/ERS | Engine Repair Depot/Shops ('X' ERS in Egypt) |
FIS | Flying Instructors School |
Flt | Flight (originally 4 aircraft) |
FS | Fighting School |
Grp | Group |
HD | Home Defence |
HE | Home Establishment (i.e. United Kingdom) |
IF | Independent Force |
IS | Issues Section (of Aircraft Depot) |
KBS | Kite Balloon Section |
LI | Light Infantry |
MT | Motor Transport |
NAP | Naval Acceptance Park (originally AD Dunkirk, later 4ASD) |
NSq | Naval Squadron |
NTS | Night Training Squadron |
PD | Port Depot |
R/Regt | Regiment |
Raf | Royal Aircraft Factory |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAS | Reserve Aeroplane Squadron (later Reserve Squadron) |
RD | Recruits/Recruiting Depot (later Reserve Depot) |
Rec Pk | Reception Park (Aircraft Storage Depot) |
Rep Pk | Repair Park (Aircraft Storage Depot) |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps |
RLP | Reserve Lorry Park |
RS | Reserve Squadron (later Training Squadron) |
SA | South Africa |
SAG | School of Aerial Gunnery |
SB | Siege Battery (Artillery) |
SDF | Special Duty Flight |
Sq | Squadron (initially 12 aircraft, later 18 or more) |
SMA | School of Military Aeronautics |
SoNBD | School of Navigation and Bomb Dropping |
SR | Special Reserve |
SS | Salvage Section |
STHC | Special Transit Holding Camp |
TD | Tent Detachment |
TDS | Training Depot Station |
TF | Territorial Force |
TM | Trench Mortar (Artillery) |
TS | Training Squadron (later merged into TDS) |
USA | US Squadron |
USAS | United States Air Service |
Wg | Wing |
XAD/XAP | 'X' Aircraft Depot/Park (Egypt and Palestine respectively) |
1str | Single-seater |
2str | Two-seater |
AA | Anti aircraft |
BBOC | Brought back on charge (after being struck off) |
dbf | Destroyed by fire |
EA | Enemy aircraft/Enemy action |
EAA | Enemy anti-aircraft |
e/f | engine failure |
f/l | force landing |
HA | Hostile aircraft |
NFT | No further trace |
NWR | Not worth repairing |
o/t | overturned |
PSOC | Presumed struck off charge |
rtp | reduced to produce/parts |
SOC | Struck off charge |
t/o | takeoff |
TOC | Taken on charge |
u/c | undercarriage |
+ | Killed |
AG | Aerial Gunner |
DoI | Died of Injuries |
DoW | Died of Wounds |
Inj | Injured |
Instr | Instruction |
KiA | Killed in Action |
NSO | Not Struck off strength |
Obs | Observer |
SoS | Struck off strength |
ToS | Taken on strength |
Adm | Admitted |
BRX | British Red Cross |
CCS | Casualty Clearing station |
CH | Central Hospital |
GH | General Hospital |
GSW | Gunshot wound |
HS | Hospital ship |
NYD | [Injury/Illness] not yet diagnosed |
PUO | Pyrexia of unknown origin |
SH | Stationary Hospital |
HS | Aberdonian | |
HS | Agadir | |
SY | Albion | |
HMY | Alexandra | |
HS | Anglia | |
HS | Aquitania | |
HS | Araguaya | |
HS | Arcadian | |
HS | Ardeer Factory | |
HS | Ardluz | |
HS | Assaye | |
HS | Asturias | |
HS | Braemar Castle | |
HS | Brighton | |
HS | Britannic | |
HS | Caledonia | |
HS | Cambria | |
HS | Carisbrooke Castle | |
HS | China | |
HS | Czar | |
HS | Delta | |
HS | Devanka | |
HS | Dieppe | |
HS | Dongola | |
HS | Dover Castle | |
HS | Drina | |
HS | Dunluce Castle | |
HS | Ebani | |
HS | Egypt | |
HS | Elektra | |
HS | Ellora | |
RMS | Empress of India (1890) | |
HS | Erinpura | |
HS | Essequibo | |
HS | Formosa | |
SS | France (1910) | |
HS | Galeka | |
HS | Garth Castle | |
HS | Gascon | |
HS | Glenart Castle | |
HS | Glengorm Castle | |
HS | Gloucester Castle | |
HS | Goorkha | |
HMAS | Grantala | |
HS | Grantully Castle | |
HS | Guildford Castle | |
HS | Herefordshire | |
HS | Hunslet | |
HS | Jan Breydel | |
HS | Kalyan | |
HS | Kanowna | |
HS | Karapara | |
SS | Konig Albert | |
HS | Koningin Regentes | |
SS | Lady Henriette | |
HS | Lanfranc | |
HS | Letitia | |
SY | Liberty | |
HS | Llandovery Castle | |
HS | Loyalty | |
HS | Madras | |
HS | Magdallna | |
HS | Magic II | |
NZ | Maheno | |
HS | Maine | |
NZ | Marama | |
HS | Marechiaro | |
HS | Mauretania | |
HS | Morea | |
HS | Neuralia | |
HS | Nevasa | |
HS | Newhaven | |
HS | Oxfordshire | |
HS | Panama | |
HS | Pieter De Coninck | |
HS | Plassey | |
SS | Portugal (1886) | |
HS | Princess Elizabeth | |
HS | Rasheed | |
HS | Rewa | |
HS | Rohilla | |
HS | Salta | |
HS | Seanc-Choon | |
SY | Sheelah | |
HS | Sicilia | |
SS | Sierra Ventana | Italy |
HS | Sikkim | |
SS | Somali | |
HS | Soudan | |
HS | St.Andrew | |
HS | St.David | |
HS | St.Denis | |
HS | St.George | |
HS | St.Margaret of Scotland | formerly Balantia |
HS | St.Patrick | |
HS | Stad Antwerpen | |
HS | Syria | |
HS | Tabora | |
HS | Takada | |
SS | Thalia (Neutral) | |
HS | Valdivia | |
HS | Varela | |
HS | Varsova | |
HS | Vasna | |
HS | Ville De Liege | |
HS | Vita | |
HS | Wandilla | |
HS | Warilda | |
HS | Western Australia |
ALG | Advanced Landing Ground |
EF | Expeditionary Force |
FF | First flew |
FH | Flying hours (shown in the format FHhh:mm) |
OP | Offensive patrol |
COP = Close/Central/Counter Offensive patrol | |
DOP = Distant Offensive patrol | |
HOP = High Offensive patrol | |
LOP = Long/Low Offensive patrol | |
NOP = Northern Offensive patrol | |
SOP = Southern/Special Offensive patrol | |
TNA | The National Archives |
SFA | Service des Fabrications de l'Aviation (French serial) |
COW | Coventry Ordnance Works |
See also File format